Monthly Archives: August 2021
Nelly Furtado – I’m Like A Bird (Multitrack)(23 Track)(48k-16bit)
Elton John, Dua Lipa – Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) (Official Video)
I think this is more good news ! Another “green flag” people..
This is where we have been going wrong all these years. We`ve all been taking our music tooooo seriously, and we didnt even know it till Covid came along. And all it takes it seems this time round to make us shake our shimmy, is for “The Powers That Be” to officially release (and therefore endorse) something that is not a million miles away from a full on Elton John Mash Up with a new backing track, lets be honest from the off.. and then for an encore, lets add some Dua Lipa into the mix for good measure !
Borrowed quote from here:
“The new “Cold Heart” track features interpolations of [Elton] John’s 1989 ballad “Sacrifice” with his 1972 smash “Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going to Be a Long, Long Time),” 1983’s “Kiss the Bride,” and 1976’s “Where’s the Shoorah?” as the songs get a groove-tipped refresh in the mashup”.
Thats Rolling Stone calling it a Mash Up there btw.. Bet theyre stuck for a better description..(Me too).
Really liking tho, the technique of getting all the music parts/vocals from different songs, ie: picking the best bits from the multitrack(s), making new intro`s verses and choruses (kinda), getting the vocals to fit in time to 113 bpm from 88.97420743 bpm (on a good day), then timestretching the odd phrase to fit here and there, then maybe some vocal pitch shift/correction shenanigans.. finding a nice key they all sit in..something I do enjoy doing occasionally. “Enjoy” being the completely wrong word. But great to see it happening in a commercial release.. cant think of another that has been so “in yer face” about it ! .. correct me if I`m wrong.
IMO, great great news then. Completely whacky ideas getting official releases are cool.
Even cooler than that time we thought Mash Ups were cool.
Time to step up the game boys and girls.
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Elton John Multitrack Masterpost
Seal – Kiss From A Rose (Stems & Ableton Session from Rick Beato video)
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Seal – Kiss From A Rose (Stems & Ableton Session from Rick Beato video)
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Lady Gaga – Free Woman / Dua Lipa – Break My Heart – GarageBand/News/Stems
Some good news to bring ! Lady Gaga & Dua Lipa amongst other artists and producers have recently released some remix packs on GarageBand for everyone to dive into and remix. I could waffle on for hours here probably in regards how good this is to see and where it could take things in a really good positive direction for the whole stems thing, but, this time I wont. I`ll let you guys use your imagination. Big artists & Apple getting involved together and releasing official material to remix with their actual blessing will do me just fine. For now
Had a feeling Ms Lipa was “Stem Aware”.. OK, I know its a bit obvious, with DL being in the biz quite heavily lol, but another open door like this is always good uh? Not only that, but going on a quote from her good self I found here, she also seems to be quite up for fans or whoever really, I guess, to get remixing her stuff. If thats not good news, I dont know what is. In fact, lets print said quote:
Dua Lipa said: “It’s amazing to see Apple bringing my music to life in GarageBand, so now anyone can experience how I made ‘Break My Heart’ no matter where they are. Music has the power to bring people together, and this is doing that in such an exciting way. I personally can’t wait for people to have a lot of fun experimenting and coming up with different versions of my song.”
So there you go. The biggest green light we`ve seen in a while uh guys? & from the horses mouth as they say.
The big guns might have finally smelled the roses.
Lady Gaga – Free Woman (5 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) Added to Lady Gaga Masterpost (Mega) here Nitro here
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