Category Archives: LF System
LF SYSTEM – Afraid To Feel (5 AI Stems) MP3-320k
Cant really not put a little shout out and some congrats to LF SYSTEM grabbing the official UK Top 40 top spot..and to Warner I spose for grabbing and releasing “Afraid To Feel” after it got a fair bit of hype and then using that age old tried and tested route of picking up a track that blew up on Tik Tok.. Think what you want on that one, but the end result is the result that counts, and that boils down to a UK Number 1, replacing Kate Bush`s “Running Up That Hill” at the pinnacle of cheese..
Who would have though sampling/covering/reworking a 70`s Multitrack would produce such a hit !?!?
It was Silk`s “I Can Stop (Turning You On)” from 1979 if you were wondering. No need for “Who Sampled” today.
Well, if further proof is needed once more that anything is possible when it comes to mucking about with old multis, look no further than this HOT summer dance tune. Cant find any news anywhere about this song kicking off across the pond/worldwide as yet, but you never know. Early days. Hence “Afraid To Feel” can have a plug of the week too, just in case any DJ`s not from the U.K arent aware of this one just yet.
(Get on it guys)
Only a bunch of AI stems to play with here, but the quality is getting better by the week on these.. If only the official stems were to be released at the same time as the single uh? It would save hours of time in the lab. Come on music biz, you can do this ! Not really much to lose at this stage lol.
LF SYSTEM – Afraid To Feel (5 AI Stems) MP3-320k Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
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