Category Archives: News
Clean Bandit, Anne-Marie, David Guetta – Cry Baby
Cant really give Katy Perry a plug, and not give a shout out to Clean Bandit, once again with Anne-Marie, with their new song Cry Baby can we? AND its a collab with David Guetta? Sign me up. I`m sold. As we know, Clean Bandit and David Guetta know all about stems and stuff and how to get them out to the public, so time be super nice with the ClubRemixer “extra special plug of the week” award for it being such a watershed moment !
its been a while CB, nice to have you back.
Katy Perry – Lifetimes
Some news today to bring you all on the first single to be released from Katy Perry`s album “143” which is due for release on September the 20th. The long awaited return of KP sees her bring an uptempo 120bpm UK house/dance track called “Lifetimes”, which apparently is an ode to her daughter. Awwwww.
As ode`s to daughters go, this one seems to have turned out to be a bit of a bop, and should be the golden ticket to a return to the charts world-wide, and hopefully the rest of the songs on the new album are up to par too. Yes, everyone will spot the vibe that goes back to the good ol days of KP`s heyday circa 2010, and if I`m honest, that`s probably a good thing here. Keep it simple, keep it catchy. Sprinkle on some cheese. Voila.
The big elephant in the room cant be avoided though and I`m almost excited to see how Lifetimes takes off in the USA pop charts, because, it just sounds so bloody British ! Is America ready for some more UK House to hit the top of the charts the same way as Beyonce sort of did recently with the UK flavoured Organ House banger Break My Soul ? I hope so.
Lifetimes has the two main things a UK house track has, a “lately” bass and a “jingy jingy” piano. oh, and some drums, luckily in the style house heads all over the world are familiar with. Shame there`s no M1 organ to compliment stuff, but Im sure there will be one on the way soon via the remixes I`m also very much looking forward to, but its the piano in all its glorious jingliness that takes the spotlight.
Out now on Capital Records.
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Spotify Remix (News)
So, I`ve been following a guy on Twitter/X/Linked In for a good while now, by the name of Rob Abelow, and to cut a very long story short, we both have an interest on where we think and hope the music business in general is headed. In some areas we both agree quite heavily, and some we are polar opposites. Which is good. But mainly we deffo are on the same wavelength.
Where we do agree, our thoughts do seem to be very similar. Rob also sees a future where fan interactivity within an artists domain is the norm, and interactions between fan and artist is more pronounced, and open to exploration. He knows all the numbers the same as the labels and artists do, and is very aware of changing trends over time, and like any frontrunner, is well on top of things even before news makes the mainstream.
Well, recently, some news did make the mainstream which you may want to Google and fill yourself in on, but in a nutshell, it seem Spotify are making plans, not only for Nigel, but for everybody, with a plan to start letting users modify songs on their platform. You might want to read that again as it sinks in ! Spotify are going to let folk mess about with artist creations (songs, to be clear), so YOU can make your own versions, which Ive already seen described as remixes and mash-ups, which you can then share with others (within the platform).
Does that not sound a big deal? Does to me. So you can see why the news is being brought.
Initially it seems as though there will be a fee involved (unsurprisingly) which will unlock the new features, some of which I daresay are still in the works, but highlighted in most articles Ive read about this subject, the new features Spotify are proposing include the capabilities to “remix” a song somehow, and that function will include an option to [quote] “speed up or slow down any song, pitch shift it, or tweak it, and add to your playlists”.
OK, so far so good, but things could get waaaaay better, because Rob doesnt really seem to be too aware of the stems side of things as yet, which I would say could be the golden goose of fan interactivity. The stems “scene” and the funtionality that stems could bring into the artist/fan relationship Rob believes in so much, is still relatively untapped. That is where things could get really interesting. Obviously, this will take time to filter down to the mainstream listener, but once again it leaves an open door for the labels and artists to vigourously explore the power of stems, and their related income streams for both label and artist, which hopefully will grow to replace incomes which are already declining in certain areas, deets of which, I`ll leave alone, because thats another page and a half you dont need to read.
Best leave it there with the news, or there will be that other page and a half to read thru either way, but as you can probably gather, it looks like some major changes are on the way in regards to how we consume music. Odds are we wont be consumers as such for much longer, we are all going to become “creators”. Yay.
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Glastonbury 2024 – Line up – News
Looks like today is the day that the Glastonbury 2024 line up starts getting finalised and released. So far the headliners have been making all the news because I`d assume many folk, or in this case, the internet, were expecting something completely different to what they got. Last year was all fellas and guitars, this year its the turn of the girls to make it to the main stage. Reactions kinda range from an unexpected surprise, to downright disappointment.
There`s a bit of a “not worthy” vibe going on tbh.
And I get the consternation.. the line up looks like a good day on CR rather than the line up for the worlds premier outdoor rock festival, with acts like Dua Lipa, SZA, Cyndi Lauper and Shania Twain, not forgetting Coldplay, who all got the nod over the likes of Madonna, the two Stevie`s (Wonder & Nicks) and a few others, who, for one reason or another didnt make the cut.
Personally, as the headliners go, I think its a corking line up and if nothing else, once again it proves that having a few stems sets out in the wild doesnt hurt your chances of getting the odd gig here and there.
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SZA – Multitrack Masterpost
Coldplay – Stems Masterpost
Cyndi Lauper – Multitrack Masterpost
Stevie Wonder – Multitrack Masterpost
Dua Lipa – Multitracks & Stems Masterpost
Stevie Nicks – Stand Back (Multitrack)(32 Mono Tracks)(48k-16bit)
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Ariana Grande – Yes And ? (HQ Acapella & Instrumental)
Led to believe these are better quality than previously posted..
Ariana Grande – Yes And ? (HQ Acapella & Instrumental) Nitro here
Also, while here.. just wanted to point out in case you missed it. When Yes And ? was officially released, there were 9 different official versions iirc. The new version with Mariah Carey (above) will make that 10. Each and every play, as you know, counts towards chart positions and all that good stuff.. so as number 1 singles go, I dont really recall many having 9 versions banged out from day 1.. recently, if not ever.. and thats including the “sped up version” lol. So Yes and ? has kinda set a precedent as to what you can add to a playlist to get more plays/counts. I`d go so far to call it “a bit of a first”.
Secondly, I`m fairly sure this wont be the last time an artist does this. There`s one or two more that have kinda done the same from what Im seeing at first glance, but need to do more homework before news is brought on that, but there`s hints Beyonce is on the case releasing an official acapella and instrumental which you could say “counts”.
To quickly summarise, if this M/O continues, which I expect it will have to, it will bring many acapellas and instrumental versions of a track out into the wild officially, which is great, so less need to go hunting, or making them with AI. Which is probably why the acapellas and instrumentals are all of a sudden getting released.. cos people can make em anyway, upload them, and get the YouTube hits instead of the artists/labels. And in a world where 500 hits is the difference between a number 1 smash and a number 2 chart position, every vote counts.
Future-wise (if only we were) it all sort of points to either a new way to count plays, or there`ll be a flood of tunes doing exactly what Ari just did “to get the numbers up”. Counting the hits on YouTube,Spotify,Tik Tok ect will have a whole new meaning when the numbers quadruple in a year.
Imagine you have yourself a catchy acoustic track. You only have 3 other instruments in the song accompanying your vocals. With the Ariana M/O [TM] you can release your radio mix, an acapella, and instrumental, and the 3 guys playing drums, guitars and keys. That`s 6X-ing your possible plays/counts. No brainer when this catches on fully.
And to quickly summarise the summary, where does this all go next? When the artists/labels have run out of pellas & insts and sped up versions to bump the numbers ?
well, it goes a little something like this:
Bass Stem
Drums Stem
Piano Stem
Guitar Stem
Strings Stem
Synths Stem
Lead Vocals
Backing Vocals
You May Also Like:
Ariana Grande – Yes, and ? (20 Mono AI Stems & Instrumental)(44.1k-16bit)
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Katy Perry – Peacock (7 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Well we had Katy over for a bit of a shindig here in the UK last week, if you didn`t know, so spose we give her a mention on the site, being in the area n all, along with Lionel “Rich Tea” as he is fondly known by some cheeky “cup of tea and biscuit” loving Brits. Its been a busy week. Singers of songs jetting about all over the place.
And with all the talk about Eurovision on the site, I really couldnt leave our friends across the pond out of the picture. If we have to go through this every year, and enjoy it, I reckon its only fair you guys have to too.
But how I hear you ask??
Can you watch Eurovision live in the US?
“In the United States, Eurovision is being streamed exclusively by Peacock. Its grand final coverage starts at 3 p.m. ET (8 p.m. UK time) Saturday 13th of May. Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir is providing commentary, for the second year in a row”.
No excuse
Katy Perry – Peacock (7 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Ed Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud (11 Stems) VS Marvin Gaye – Let`s Get It On (Multitrack)(12 Tracks)
There is some news to bring.. 8 years after a court battle ensued around who wrote a piece of music, a decision has been made that Ed Sheeran isnt the bad guy after all, and his song is not based around someone else`s song. 8 years. Thats a loooong time for any artist to have to deal with something of this nature and still be creative and get stuff out there.
Nice timing on the ending of the court case anyways for Ed here too since he has a new album out soon and a tour starting this weekend to concentrate on now, coincidentally. Im sure a few shandies tonight, Ed will have a clear head tomorrow to crack on further with his carreer and write more songs about castles and stuff. Seriously tho, I hope this is the last time we see such court cases like this as we all pretty much know [in the biz] and half accept that music is plagarism in one way or another.. or should we call it “inspiration” haha.
One thing we can look forward to tho is that if there are any more legal cases come up like this, there wont be any 8 years wait for an outcome. AI will be running that particular show and you can bet the outcome of any decision made by AI might raise a few eyebrows when it spits out a list of the other 10 songs that secretly nicked the same ideas 5, 10, 15 years ago, or brings up a counter point on the track doing the accusing. Popcorn time that`ll be.
So to mark the occasion of Ed`s innocence, thought it would be a good idea to throw a pack together in case anyone wants to make a celebratory and very timely Mash Up.
Pack contains:
Ed Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud (11 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Marvin Gaye – Let`s Get It On (Multitrack)(12 Mono & Stereo Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Ed Sheeran vs Marvin Gaye (Mash Up Pack) Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page here
Jay-Z – The Blueprint [2001] (Album Acapellas)(44.1k-24bit)
A little bit late with the news, but seems Jay-Z has been a busy fella lately..
“Jay-Z returns to stage after four years and shares ‘Empire State Of Mind’ remix featuring Gil Scott-Heron“
I`d only be repeating a bunch of quotes, so if you are interested to find out more, read all about it here
Point of post before I get sidetracked ! Here`s some Jay-Z acapellas and a few other interesting linked things if you fancy keeping the theme and getting busy on some new Jay-Z Mash Ups.
Jay-Z – The Blueprint [2001] (Album Acapellas)(44.1k-24bit) Nitro here
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Alicia Keys – Multitrack Masterpost
Jay-Z Ft Kanye West – Niggas in Paris (Multitrack)(23 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Jay-Z feat. Alicia Keys – Empire State Of Mind (Multitrack)(15 Track)(44.1k-16bit) flac
Gil Scott Heron – Angel Dust (Multitrack)(18 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit) AIFF
Pink Floyd – Masterpost & News
Pink Floyd – Masterpost
Not really a Masterpost in the true sense of the word, as there are no “official” stems or multitracks here, but the pack contains enough goodies to make one, since age of “making of AI stems” is well and truly upon us.
Also, if you are as unaware as 2/3rds Pink Floyd were, Roger Waters has been secretly re-recording DSOTM for some time, and only decided recently informing the other members of PF what he`s been up to may be a good idea.. and reading between the lines a bit, it looks like they are now somewhat onboard with the rework project too !
More info on that on the NME website here
Here a list of some of the Pink Floyd source material floating round the net. Im sure there`s more, hence the masterpost, so things will get added along the way.
Pink Floyd – Another Brick in the Wall (Part 1 & 2) WAV
Pink Floyd – Dark Side Of The Moon MOGG
Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon (9 Moggs)
Pink Floyd – DSOTM Isolations (6 Flac Tracks)
Pink Floyd – Eclipse [5.1 Blu-ray 2496 Rip]
Pink Floyd – Meddle 5.1
Pink Floyd – Misc
Pink Floyd – The Dark Side of the Moon [5.1 Separations]
Pink Floyd – The Dark Side Of The Moon Remastered Quad Mix
Pink Floyd – The Great Gig in the Sky (AI Stems)
Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here [Album] {5.1 Surround} WAV
Pink Floyd , 18 Multitracks (Jam sessions from Jamkazam)(COVER)
Added to the Masterposts page here
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Site News / Newsletter (March 2023)
Hey guys,
Everybody doing well? hope so
Some things to inform you of. If you didnt already know, last couple of months, the site has been basically under attack and hacked. Since the scene lost and, our stems & multi data base has turned out to be (unfortunately) the best around. It seems some people didnt like this fact, and decided to cause grief, for whatever reason(s) they could think of.
Long story very very short from here, is that you may now find even more dead links to files than there were before. It goes without saying, EVERYTHING is in a state of flux while I fix things. At this time, I would really, really appreciate your patience while the fixes are found and everything can go back to what you guys expect from CR.
For now, if you find a dead link to a file you want, just drop a mail in and I`ll do my very best to get it to you as soon as possible.
As for the changes that the hacking will bring going forward, I will try to keep to a minimum, but I`m sure you`ll all agree, there at least has to be some changes. At the mo, nothing really will change for our entry level and mid tier level members. Apart from many of the older files being dead for a while, all the new stuff coming to the pages will not change one bit.
The initial changes all involve our Top Tier members. They already know whats coming as they have been informed, but I just wanted to let everyone know because it will affect anyone who is considering upgrading to TT & Rare & X page.
Rare has no restrictions to entry, X page does. Good news is any “newer” TT members can now also request re-ups from Rare, as long as you have 2 months consecutive membership to TT. X page now requires a minimum of 2, maybe 3 consecutive months membership at TT depending on the season opening date. The “season” will be announced in advance so you know whats what. Dates are now added to our welcome notes/rules n regs. You can now ask for the latest rules n regs notes at any time as they may change somewhat. New members joining the site are also notified about this change.
Rare page is now open again this month, and X page Season 2 is well underway.
X page Season 3 will enroll on the 2nd of May 2023, so here`s your heads up for anyone wanting to join that page come May.
This action has been taken because otherwise, the same hacking protocols could be used again. In other words, I have to find a way to not allow instant access to the rare page and its rare files or they could all go walkabout again. Obvs the temptation was too much for some people, and I must admit, there wasnt supposed to be that many files in rare. Going forward, there will be no more than 30 in there at any one time, and whatever is in there, come Xmas, will be coming to everyone. Then from New Year, we build up again.. as we kinda are doing right now.
If someone is keen enough to wait 3 months to leak stuff, theres not much I can do about that, and after 3 months, tbh, the rarity value does kinda diminish somewhat anyway. So for now, theres a 2-3 month “air gap” enforced. Sorry. The sad thing is I know 100% it wasnt any of your guys` fault and you have to take the shit. Thats the bit that hurts.
Anyway, before rant ensues, the only other option we have if the things go wrong again, is that we would have to take the site private. Which completely messes up the “multitracks for the masses” motto I have tattoo`d on my chest.
A decision has been made regarding that anyway. CR will run as usual, but all TT long term members will be invited to join a new venture. It wont be a website as such, but something more akin to a newsletter with gifts.
So you can see we are going to be probably trying a few things out going forward to somehow please everyone and keep as much as poss as secure as poss.
Initially, from here, I think I am going to have to take on some staff. Paid work of course.. haha.. unless theres any volunteers who may prefer the odd rare multi ?
Thought it may be an idea to ask you guys. What I really need right now, is someone who has experience of WordPress and has been a member of the site for a while, and who has most of it downloaded. If that sounds like you and you have a chunck of hours free per week, please drop a mail in.
Before I go, just want to thank everyone (again) for your continued support.. still cant believe we are doing this after 3 years & still got a bit of figuring out still do, as you all now know, but rest assured, no-one is gonna keep CR down for long, even if there`s more crap to come.
I`ve got a plan
Cheers guys.. have a good month everyone. Inbox now open for reup requests for all tiers, dont forget, but please bear with.
Cedric Gervais & Joel Corry – Molly – Remix Competition (22 Stems)(WAV)
Just discovered there`s a new remix contest underway for the Cedric Gervais & Joel Corry track “Molly” via our pals over there at Spinnin Records.. And there`s nearly a month left to get any mixes in too
You can of course grab the stems and get some more info on how to enter the contest, what the prizes are, that sort of thing, over on the Spinnin website here
or download just the stems here:
Cedric Gervais & Joel Corry – Molly (Extended Mix) (22 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
You May Also Like:
Joel Corry & MNEK – Head & Heart (AI Stems Pack) MP3-flac
Charlie Puth – Light Switch – Remix Competition (32 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Tiësto & Ava Max – The Motto – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Clean Bandit – Everything But You – Remix Competition (40 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
The Chainsmokers and Ship Wrek – The Fall – Remix Competition (35 Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
Elvis Presley & Britney Spears – Toxic Las Vegas (Jamieson Shaw Remix) (News)
Time for the first “plug of the week” of the year. There`s been a couple of maybe`s up for the honour, but patience was needed it seems. This week then, the award goes to another Mash Up ! Yes, another one, and yes, its got Britney Spears in it again too, and yes, this is another song/Mash Up that has been officially released, as recently as last Friday. It does indeed seem the current trend of just doing a mix and mash of whatever takes your fancy and seeing if you can get it signed, may well be carrying on very much in the same vein as 2021/2.
So good news all around. If you like making and listening to stuff like this that is lol.
The song itself “Toxic Las Vegas”, if you hadnt worked it out already, takes elements from Elvis`s “Viva Las Vegas” & Britneys “Toxic”. There was a version of the track in the recent “Elvis” movie written by Baz Luhrmann amongst others, which became a hit with fans, but the song used in the film didnt have any Britney vocals in. Until, Baz and his engineer Jamieson Shaw (apparently) decided to go full on Elton and make a chart topper mash up thingy.
As Elvis & Britney are/were on different record labels, just want to point out how great it is to see Warner & RCA get their heads together with all the licensing and stuff to get this project off the ground, so big ups n props to them for doing so. If this is not the worlds biggest heads up to producers that anything goes in 23, I dont know what is.
Elvis Presley & Britney Spears – Toxic Las Vegas (Jamieson Shaw Remix) is out now and available from the usual outlets.
Further Reading:
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Britney Spears Multitrack Masterpost
Elvis Presley – Burning Love (Multitrack V2)(13 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-16bit)
Elvis Presley – CC Rider (Live Multitrack)(15 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit)
Elvis Presley – 16 Instrumentals (44.1k-16bit) flac
P!nk – Never Gonna Not Dance Again (AI Acapella & News)
Been a warm minute since there`s been some Pink news, but now there is some. Hot on the heels of her 2022 American Music Awards performance comes an announcement of a new album (the 9th), entitled “Trustfall“. Sounds a bit James Bond, but we`ll let it go. Release date scheduled for Feb 17 2023 via RCA/Sony.
She`s going to be a busy gal next year for sure. There`s the Summer Carnival tour, which sees dates in the UK in June 2023, after which P!nk will then hit North American stadiums mid July with a line-up featuring Belinda Carlisle, Pat Benatar and Nelly Furtado, Grouplove and KidCutUp.
Oh, and there`s this new single. Almost forgot. Getting carried away in plugland there. Its called “Never Gonna Not Dance Again” and is the first single to be taken from the new album. Produced and co-written by Max Martin (who now seems to be quite into the stems lark) and Shellback. The song is described by Billboard as “a bouncy new double-negative-into-a-positive single“. Nice line. So basically the song is an inverse Careless Whisper?
Not quite. To ball-park the single a little for you I spose it`s not a million miles away from what Kylie & Dua Lipa (amongst others) have been doing with the disco thing, and I would totally go so far as to say the “lets get this on all the radio stations in every corner of the globe” dial has well and truly been turned up to 11 on this. Its pure pop, so be careful. One sip, you`ll get away with, 2 or 3 run thru`s and your brain will play the hooks back to you in the morning. Hope the rest of the album follows suit.
So yeah, some big promo on/in the cards for P!nk over the coming year or so. I`ve already spruced up the P!nk Masterpost in eager anticipation.
You never know there may be some new stems appear on the internet at some point.
P!nk – Never Gonna Not Dance Again (AI Acapella & News) Mega here Nitro soon
Further reading:
You May Also Like:
P!nk Multitracks Masterpost
Max Martin – Red Lights (14 Remix Parts)(48k-24bit)
Dua Lipa – Multitracks & Stems Masterpost
Kylie Minogue – Multitrack Masterpost
Max Martin – Red Lights (14 Remix Parts)(48k-24bit)
You may recognise the name Max Martin, a songwriter/producer, (if you read credits & this sort of stuff interests you) from his 22 number-one hits in the U.S. A guy from Sweden who is only just behind Lennon/McCartney & George Martin when it comes to numbers, obvs a man with an eye for creating countless hit records, & who has worked with a multitude of artists on a plethora of songs, including, but not limited to: Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Usher, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry, Christina Aguilera, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, The Weeknd, Coldplay. To name but a few.
And he`s younger than me.
To be fair, it may be better to just send you guys over to the MM wiki page here, for all the Max deets, or this post could get long. (its worth a read thru).
Anyways, before I get too carried away and even more jealous of the fella`s astronomical career, the point of the post (lol) was to drop a little heads up that the Simon Cowell/Universal led “Stem Drop” project on Tik Tok has now launched, (you may remember the CR “plug of the week” here), with the Max Martin “Red Lights” track`s remix parts/stems all uploaded & ready to go & be remixed by your good selves. Go check that out on Tik Tok here to see whats going on and the grab the files from the source, and get remixing, if you want to ofc..
Or grab the files below:
Max Martin – Red Lights (14 Remix Parts)(48k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
You May Also Like To Check Out Some Of The Arists & Songs Max Martin Has Produced:
Britney Spears Multitrack Masterpost
Katy Perry – Multitrack Masterpost
Maroon 5 – Multitrack Masterpost
Taylor Swift – Multitrack Masterpost
Taylor Swift – Shake It Off (30 Stems)(48k-16bit)
Backstreet Boys – Straight Through My Heart (23 Mono Vocal Stems)(48k-24bit)
The Weeknd – Multitrack Masterpost
P!nk Multitracks Masterpost
Ariana Grande – Multitrack Masterpost (Additions)
Coldplay – Stems Masterpost
Stem Drop – Simon Cowell & Tik Tok & Universal (New Talent “Show”) (News)
Elton John, Britney Spears – Hold Me Closer (Purple Disco Machine Remix)
Time for another quick plug of the week.. this time its the turn (again) of the current darling of the remix scene, Purple Disco Machine. With the official remix of the Elton John, Britney Spears smash “Hold Me Closer”.
Wonder how it filters
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The Human League – Don’t You Want Me (Purple Disco Machine Extended Mix)
Elton John & Dua Lipa – Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) (4 AI Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac
Elton John & Britney Spears – Hold Me Closer (Instrumental) MP3-320k
Elton John – Tiny Dancer (Multitrack)(16 Mono Tracks)(96k-24bit)
Elton John Multitrack Masterpost
Britney Spears Multitrack Masterpost
Stem Drop – Simon Cowell & Tik Tok & Universal (New Talent “Show”) (News)
Hey gang, some more news to bring you.. In a nutshell, big big news for all the Producers & Remixers out there, and tbh, even bigger news for the “Stem Scene” as a whole. IMO.
You see, Simon Cowell looks like he`s come up with a cunning plan that may accidentally majorly promote the long overdue commercialisation of stems/multitracks/remix stems ect, and, with a bit of luck, that will bring stems much more into the mainstream view. I mean just mentioning the word “stem” in a new venture by some major players counts. Goes without saying that Syco is onboard with the stems thing. And Tik Tok are. And Universal are. In a word. Wowzers.
Even Samsung has gotten in on the act.
Details about this are a little bit thin on the ground but reading between the lines, this project is more W.I.P than half the pages on CR lol, so we might have to go thru a lil learning & growing curve before we find out where this is all going, but upto now, I see a zero downside to the stem rational even if this new venture falls on its ass, so I`m calling this “whatever it turns out to be idea” a winner from the off.
At this point, Im just going to suggest to you guys to just go Googling for more info cos, otherwise this post will be the longest ever news post on CR, so probs be best to just borrow a few lines on a few things Ive picked up on reading half the morning to give you quickly the rough breakdown.
So how does this all work ?
All good uh? And awesome for the greater good too. Lets just hope the stems are all HQ WAV`s & not lossy MP3s
Really do think this could turn out to be something groundbreaking.. cos all the elements are there for it to blow up.. Imagine if this thing kicks off and there`s weekly brand new totally real official stems sets flying about all over the place ! oh wait.. erm.
Think about it. There`s ideas embodied in this whole thing I really kinda like. There`s going to be it seems (in the long run) that many new artists with brand new songs to share are going to be getting on a platform now proven to find or make a hit or two, which now, automatically, becomes a vehicle to promote or grow any (Universal) song. Very clever. And with stems lets not forget.
Its happening guys. Reckon the majors are properly clocking on to the potential of “remix stems”. Because that is literally what is coming. All official like.
So great to see a major like Universal get in on the stems fun. Theyve found an excellent way here to just get some stems out there if nothing else, which we have seen is generally a good thing however you slice it. There might even be the odd classic to mix once in a while too. Who knows?
Just wait till there`s hundreds of new mixes uploaded daily to that Tik Tok page. This thing could go nuts. Just for scale on how nuts, I think the last Chainsmokers remix competition had over 7000 entries. Could be an interesting one to watch this “Stem Drop” thing.
Cant wait to see.
Further reading:
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Artemesia – Bits & Pieces (76 Remix Parts)(44.1k-16bit)
Had to have a look round an old H/D (circa 2010) recently and stumbled across a one or two much forgotten about songs in their component bits and pieces.
And the tune youre hopefully now listening to via the above video is one of them. Nice remix too. Still, possibly a track you may not be too familiar with, but rest assured, in certain clubs and bars in the U.K, this “classic” did damage to roofing.
Coincidentally, seems there`s been a few recent remixes made of this so a great time to dig in.
Enjoy. Make it a banger.
Artemesia – Bits & Pieces (76 Remix Parts)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the Samples page (Mega) here
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July/August 2022 Multitracks & Stems
While were here, and since a little Old Skool seems to be the flavour of the week, just want to put a lil shout out and congrats to Eliza Rose and the team for hitting the Number 1 in the UK top 40 “pop charts” with B.O.T.A. (Baddest Of Them All). Noiiice. Warner on the ball too. 2nd number 1 in a row in the UK with a dance track.. keeping Britney & Elton at #3. LF System now at 2.
You may spot a little early 90`s flavouring..
Eliza Rose – B.O.T.A. (Baddest Of Them All)
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Eiffel 65 – Blue (7 Stems)(48k-16bit)/David Guetta & Bebe Rexha – I’m Good (Blue)(News)
This needed to be on the site, (see excuse below).
Eiffel 65 – Blue (RBN)(7 Stems)(48k-16bit) Mega here Nitro here
Because it looks like David Guetta & Bebe Rexha might have a something huuuuge on the way. Yet another track to be given the green light after blowing up on Tik Tok. Its a bit tasty so careful if you have young ears around. Lets hope there`s a clean version for the radio. Thats all I`m going to say. (Its a bit “blue”).
Eiffel 65 – Move Your Body (RBN)(8 Stems)(48k-16bit) flac Mega here Nitro here
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Bebe Rexha – Cry Wolf (21 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Bebe Rexha – I Got You (Multitrack)(15 Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
July/August 2022 Multitracks & Stems
Splatoon 1&2 Samples & Sounds (Creator Pack)
Recently had word from my Uncle Ray (who works at Nintendo), and apparently the big news is that finally Splatoon 3 is just around the corner, with a release date of 09-09-2022.
And I need a good excuse to post a few Splatoon 1&2 samples on the main page.
If you are unaware of the game or are new to the franchise, Splatoon is basically a 4 vs 4 game of paintball. Just a “cartoon kids shooter game“. If only. In a nutshell, its a game where you paint the ground and shoot each other with “ink” & other painty projectiles. In the most basic mode, paint more than half the arena after 3 mins = you win. Then there`s the Competitive modes where it simply gets brutal.
In reality, Splatoon is probably the best team shooter game (with motion controls) ever made. Not a joke. Easy to pick up and play. Very hard to master.
Oh. almost forgot. Reading there`s a new bunch of Splat streamers and You Tubers on the way. If that sounds like you, the pack below will come in handy. If thats not you, do still check out some of these samples and sounds. Pretty nuts stuff.
Splatoon 1&2 Samples Pack Mega here Nitro here
Added to the Samples page (Mega) here
Stay Fresh.
Nintendo – Splatoon 3 Direct
“A Kids Game – Live in Concert”. OK then.
So Splat 3 just won best multiplayer game 2022. Congrats to Nogami & the team. This really upset certain non Nintendo gamers in a big way. The upshot is the “Variety Streamers” are now interested in the game even more than they were just on the release date, from what I`m seeing, which is good, and hopefully will introduce more people to this “colourful” game.
For context, before I go any further, as it wont make sense otherwise.. I must confess I played in an over 30`s Splatoon 1 team way back in 2015 when the game was on the WiiU. I wasnt the oldest. I also streamed the game for 2 years, and have well over a 1000 hours on each of SP1&2. I play support mainly but thats irrelevant. I now just lark about with the Bloblobber. Which is just as irrelevant, but I like it.
All I really wanna do with this little edit here is pass on a bit of knowledge to new streamers of the game which in turn may impact new players too, so if thats you please read on. There`s no hype here just “observations” and maybe a few tips and a warning or two to pass on.
Splatoon is such an easy to pick up and play game it will surprise you. And as I have seen recently, many new streamers (basically all of them) do really well to start with, and get all enthused, and then all of a sudden as they progress they really start to get beaten up “in game” and get disenchanted with things.
Invariably, chat then comes to the rescue with tips and tricks on which weapon to use and ALWAYS the next suggestion is to “switch motion controls ON”. This is where the fun starts. If this scenario occurs when you are watching your favourite streamer get splatted by a “bunch of teenagers” (or a 50 y.o + veteran ) do not turn off. Everytime Ive watched this play out its pure internet gold. Also, if your streamer is NOT using motion controls, it is your DUTY to tell them to switch them on.
And I reckon its the motion controls thing that has got the PS & XBoX crowd so vocal lately. And this is why “your boy” is losing all of a sudden playing against folk with motion controls switched on. From what Ive seen over several years it always seems to boil down to this. So things have to be finally said. I hope people see this lol.
If you didnt already know, Splatoon does not have an “auto-aim” or “aim-bot” help. You have to use skill to aim. This catches quite a lot of new players out I think its fair to say, if they are coming from basically any other shooter.
Now if you are using stick controls like maybe in COD or something, great.. you are used to them because its all youve known. Well, motion controls are all Ive known. If a 50+ bloke can learn them on a WiiU, you can too. No excuse.
Reason being, if you dont get used to motion controls you will get nowhere fast in the Splatlands. EVERYBODY (99%) uses motion. You wanna get good at the game, you have no choice. Learn Motion.
Before going further a warning. Dont learn motion controls. If you ever intend to go back to other shooters after you have learnt motion & Splatoon, you are in for a rude awakening. As your new “motion” muscle memory becomes entwined with your whole nervous system, making new and possibly permanent pathways, you will slowly become one with your Pro Controller & your weapon of choice. Trust me, its great when you get there. But guess what happens when you go back to playing COD? Your muscle memory will work remarkably well on your PS5 or Xbox too, just the same as on the Switch. Unfortunately, the game youre now playing wont (probably) have motion controls and you putting those extra micromovements you accidentally learned recently enjoying Splatoon 3 into your current gameplay with your PS/XB controller will have no effect whatsoever. Your muscle memory knows your aim was off and automatically compensates. shame you`re playing a different game uh ? See the problem ? There`s a few if you think it through.
In a nutshell, thats a big part of the reason I only play Splat. Luckily, like a Super Duper Lucky Duck, its the motion side of things that are a big part of the attraction. Or should be ! OK, theyre not perfect (the WiiU`s motion was a good as it ever got. the Switch`s is a bit meh in comparison) and yes, it may take a week or two of getting used to, but its worth the investment. If there`s anything I could want to get over more to anybody reading this.. its this. Motion is worth the investment.. in time, stress, learning curves and all that good stuff.
Then it gets worse. After you master motion, you will need to get your Switch hardwired to the internet. You see, WiFi doesnt cut it with Splatoon. You will get more frequent disconnects amongst other things. So either a LAN adapter or Ethernet connection is heavily advised. Reason being, if you are investing in motion, with no auto-aim dont forget, you might as well have the optimal way to transfer inky data quickly between peers.. and hopefully win more, register shots quicker than the other guy, and have less lag. Than the other guy. It all adds up.
Then, because youve mastered motion and now have a perfect connection to the net, you are going to need a gaming monitor to cut response times down even further. Just sayin.
Then you will need the Nintendo Pro Controller which is the best controller for Splatoon.
And thats before you learn the maps and weapons.
For instance, lets just go back to our “new to Splatoon” Variety Streamer using sticks for a mo. How well do you think they will do in game not knowing the above, compared to those that play using motion? its no contest. Ive seen it. They quit. Even worse they blame motion controls usually when its actually because dual sticks are just generally slower and worse* than M/C. You just simply cant lock on to a target manually with sticks as fast as you can with motion. Motion is kinda “Keyboard & Mouse” in a controller. VS sticks, its a win all day long. Especially in close quarters.
Check out this old Dude video that explains the differences. And do Google and try and locate a few more Motion Control videos on You Tube too.
As you can see there`s a lot to learn “under the hood” with Splatoon, before you can expect any sort of consistency. It will frustrate the life out of you, sometimes before youve even started a round of Turf Wars if you dont know its little “quirks.”
So here`s a few tips and tricks that really dont get talked about too much which may help when it comes down to the “Im quitting this shit 60 dollar kids game”. Before you do.
1, Its been agreed by the Splatoon community for years that the single player campaign (the story mode) is the best way to learn motion. Switch motion on and play through and complete. Keep fine tuning your motion sensitivity as you play. Minus figures for more precise aiming, plus figures for quicker movements to the “precise aiming”. Kinda. Start a 0 on both settings. (my sensitivity is +2 & +1). Right stick is camera movement speed, which also is part of the “Motion Thing”. Sounds weird initially especially if you know your X-Y axises and stuff, but youll get used to it. When you get “comfortable” leave the settings be for a week. Fine tune with experience.
2, Practice in Turf War before “Ranked”. Also, if you find a lobby with frequent disconnects, it could be you. Make sure your all Ethernetted up. If you get frequent disconnects in a row even before the map loads sometimes, jump out of the lobby and into the square for a minute or two.
3, If you are in a group and there are no disconnects.. stay in that group. Learn to work around the other weapons.
4, Reboot the game and your Switch occasionally.
5, Get gud.
to be continued…
PS.. I only play Friday Nights UK time in Turf these days cos website. If you see me squidbag me.
or shoot me an add: clubremixr
ZEDD – Stems Masterpost & News
ZEDD – Stems Masterpost
If you are lucky enough to be in L.A on the 9th of October, Zedd has a little news for you.
And I quote:
“LA!!! My album “Clarity” is turning 10 and to celebrate I’m doing a very special LIVE CONCERT alongside a 50-piece orchestra on OCT 9 at The Dolby Theatre.
We’ll be performing the entire album live, front to back.”
Anybody else seriously wishing they were going to this gig? It`ll be sweet. Really hope someone decides to record every last note from every instrument in best separation & clarity. I think the clue is in the title of the “Dolby” theatre, so I`m not toooo worried, but still. Mr Zedd or whoever, Dont forget to press record.
Gotta say, dont you think it would be great to see even more Electronic acts and Rock acts working with orchestras and stuff ? Always love to see and hear these sort of things “with strings”. You know you`ve made it when youve got a rather large orchestra getting down with your beats, or stripping down your biggest ever hit record back to a bare boned tear-jerker.
Here`s some Zedd goodies. Not too much to go at tbh, but some nice bits. Hope Mr Zedd can bring some nice shiny new stems to the fore soon. Very soon.
Zedd – Clarity (7 Remix Parts)(44.1k-16bit)
Zedd – Inside Out (8 Remix Parts & 2 Acapellas)(44.1k-24bit)
Zedd – Spectrum (18 Remix Parts)(44.1k-24bit)
Zedd – True Colors (Album Instrumentals)(Complete)(44.1k-16bit)
Zedd & Jasmine Thompson – Funny (Official Instrumental & Studio Acapella)(44.1k-24bit)
Zedd ft. Selena Gomez – I Want You To Know (12 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Zedd, Aloe Blacc, Grey – Candyman (23 Remix Parts)(48k-16bit)
Zedd, Maren Morris, Grey – The Middle (Lead Vocals & Instrumental) 320k-MP3
Zedd Instrumentals
ZEDD – Master Pack (2022) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the Masterposts page (Mega) here
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Multitrack Masterposts A-Z (2022)
Notorious B.I.G. ft. Mase, Puff Daddy And Jadakiss – Mo Money Mo Problems (Multitrack)(20 Tracks)
Should have really picked this pack up last weekend but I got a bit sidetracked (long story) as there was a fair chance I could inflict another “just for funsies” Mash Up Competition on you all. You might have noticed the Diana Ross “I`m Coming Out” multitrack re-up primed and ready to go.
Thought it`d be a fun follow up to the last impromptu Mash Up competition with the ODB VS Nelly packs.
What you reckon gang? worth grabbing the multi ? Who wants to do the Mash Up ?
Vote/More Info here
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Ol Dirty Bastard – Got Your Money (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-16bit)
Nelly – Hot In Herre (Multitrack)(14 Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Diana Ross – I’m Coming Out (Multitrack)(15 Mono & Stereo Tracks)(44.1k-16bit)
Britney Spears – Multitrack Masterpost (Additions)
Looks like there`s a little more news to bring on the Britney & Elton John “rumoured” new version of Tiny Dancer. Well, bottom line is its not a rumour any longer. The new song is called “Hold Me Closer” (based on the lyrics in the original song “hold me closer-tiny dancer) if you recall.. bit obvs now you see it in print, but anyways.. the song is confirmed, signed to Universal and should be out really soon.. as in this month soon.(August 2022).
On the conjecture side of things, expecting a big ol` power ballad may not be the right call cos as everyone knows, there`s an unwritten rule in the music biz where the ballad has to be the third single from an album (which there will be too), so odds are now looking like a dance track, so that favours something in the ball park of “Cold Heart”.
The hype train is calling this the “song of the summer”. btw.
Yup, Britney`s Back. Officially.
And here`s some stems from one of our Britney contributors too.. just for good measure.
Britney Spears – Alien (Demo) (Multitrack) (177 Mono Tracks & 16 Vocal Stems)(48k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Britney Spears – Gimme More (Multitrack)(43 Tracks)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here Nitro here
Britney Spears – Gimme More (Multitrack)(86 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here Nitro here
Britney Spears – Im Not A Girl Not Yet a Woman (6 Vocal Stems)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here Nitro here
Britney Spears – Perfume (Dreaming Mix) (17 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the Britney Spears Masterpost (Mega) here
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Elton John – Tiny Dancer (Multitrack)(16 Mono Tracks)(96k-24bit)
Elton John Multitrack Masterpost
Britney Spears Multitrack Masterpost
Britney Spears – Oops!… I Did It Again (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks) flac
Elton John – Tiny Dancer (Multitrack)(16 Mono Tracks)(96k-24bit) re-up
So have you heard the news? or gossip more like.. Britney Spears & Sir Elton John have supposedly recorded a version of “Tiny Dancer”. It must be true because Paris Hilton says she`s heard it and its brill.
That is unfortunately, at the time of writing, all that is known. For now.
Thing is, I cant quite imagine what theyre gonna do with it. Guess it`ll be another bated breath waiting game again because theres zero chance of it not getting a release & because you can bet your bottom dollar the track wasnt done for “funsies”.
So a full on ballad? or something more akin to “Cold Heart” ?
We will see.
He says secretly hoping for a 175 bpm Piano driven Happy Hardcore monster of a tune with a bit of Dubstep in the breakdowns.
Elton John – Tiny Dancer (Multitrack)(16 Mono Tracks)(96k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
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Elton John Multitrack Masterpost
Britney Spears Multitrack Masterpost
Britney Spears – Oops!… I Did It Again (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks) flac
Beyonce – Break My Soul (Studio Acapella) MP3-320k
Oh Boy. Where to start on this one. Talk about dont believe the hype ! There is news. Was going tag this on the end of the Beyonce Masterpost, but this may go on a while as there`s so much to unwrap.
So you may have heard by now, there`s a new Beyonce album due, after just a wee gap of about six years. Give or take. Well, here soon & filling that gap is the new album, Renaissance, (out July 29) and it has to be said, the new single “Break My Soul” is quite the departure from the entire last album. Dunno what the rest of the LP`s tracks are like yet, but I hope there`s a few similar to the new single.
Thats not even the news.. well it is sort of is..
This is the news:
Bey`s gone HOUSE. And not only house.. but early 90`s flavoured Old School house, and with some current vibes from the UK`s own Organ House scene.. and those guys, Ive heard on the old grapevine, are all going absolutely bonkers about this fact/new tune combo. Its like 20 odd years of work on the “underground” has been finally been validated. Yeah.
I think they were secretly worried it was going over peoples heads. or worse.
Maybe the planets are all lined up nice this time.ha.
For a bit of context & blatant plugging here, admittedly, the Organ House thing its still a smallish, but dedicated scene here in the UK. Mainly up in the the northern half of the country. Its one of our current “underground” club staples these days I suppose that goes hand in hand with the UK Bassline nights “Up North”. Organ stuff generally is a bit cheesier than the hardcore warpy basslines side of things, and therefore is kinda seen by clubbers as the next leg up.. or a knees up, if you like, after maybe outgrowing a commercial club for a nights entertainment. Thats how many would see things this end.. same old songs/anthems. Bootlegged and/or remixed. Bigger kick drum.
So theyre on that hopium right now waiting for that boom to the moon. I hope it comes for them. It has been a fun 20 years tho uh? Robin S `s “Show Me Love” has a lot to answer for. But now the entire world is going to hear an M1 organ riff and B hooked. Again.
Ultimately, this is the new single, its a hit no doubt, and comes complete with a four to the floor kick, the aforementioned chunky M1 organ and a pretty large piano. I`d bet this was nothing but extremely well planned from the start, and executed rather well it seems too lol by B and her producers. Its not news Queen B has always been a fan, and an early fan at that of UKG, so yup, no doubt there`s knowledge of of whats tickling the UK floors right now embedded in the heart of Break My Soul. and I would hazard a guess the crystal ball aint going to be needed here to predict a worldwide smash.. its Beyonce.. and She`s back. With a capital B.
And there`s an Acapella. Already. Absolutely the way to go.
Dont wanna jinx things saying “the stems leaking wont take long” but maybe..the stems leaking wont take long
And just in case any of B`s team happen to read this, IMO, this here little ditty would make a really good remix competition track you know?.. Maybe someone could make that happen ?
Just sayin.
Anyways, will leave that there. Hope you enjoyed the background story. Shout out to the Organ/Bassline crew. Woop Woop. hehe.
Beyonce – Break My Soul (Studio Acapella) MP3-320k Mega here Nitro soon
Added to the Beyonce Masterpost (Mega) here
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Soft Cell & The Pet Shop Boys – Purple Zone
More news !
Anybody want to hear about a future UK Number one? Before its even released?
Hope Im right, because my tunespotting gene fired up big time on this, and as formulas go for number ones, this song IMO has a mighty head start. Its got two 80`s legends of Synthpop on the same record for starters. In the video, you have Marc Almond in an Ice Cream Van (English Standard “Whippy” even) and the PSB`s pulling pints of bitter and playing dominoes in a typical English pub. Fun film. Should be subtitled “A Typical English Life circa 1980”. And the tune is good too, luckily enough.
What is not to like?
I can see it now… UK breakfast TV will be all over this. ! “So guys, nice to have you here on the sofa this morning. How does it feel to have a brand new number 1 after all these years?” Lets play the video. “oh there`s an album coming out too???” and a tour you say? ect. Then there`s going to be all those 80`s revival events where both Soft Cell & the PSB`s happen to be on the same line up..
You can bet our lords and masters would have been rubbing their hands when they heard this, and I`ll guarantee “lets make this a single” was mentioned more than once in hushed tones. Probably followed by a someone smoking a rather large Cuban cigar.
One worrying thing I did find (it cant be ALL good news can it)? was info regarding the release date:
Purple Zone is released on 11 November 2022, six months after the album which is out on 6 May!
hmmmm.. that makes lots of sense. maybe a rethink needed there lol. Isnt the M/O the strongest track from the album as a single to promote the album? I must be getting old.
Got me thinking tho, what a great 80`s hook up this actually is. Even better if they get Purple Disco Machine to remix it !
So, for funsies, going to throw this out to anyone reading:
Which two 80`s groups/artists/duo`s would you want to see get together & record ? Answers on a seaside postcard !
Me, after a little change of mind from something way too cheesy, I`m going for The Human League & Heaven 17. A match made in Sheffield and weren`t they once all The Human League anyway? I`d buy that. Reckon it`d be hit record too.
It was going to be Nik Kershaw and Howard Jones for the cheese thing, A new song from them.. Wouldnt that be good?
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Seal – Seal (The 1st Album) Dolby Atmos Version
Dearest fellow Trevorn Horn enthusiasts (every sound engineer ever) I have news. It seems our hero has been working on something pretty big. A Dolby Atmos Version of the Holy Grail.. sorry, Seal`s first album.
And there`s even a bit of a story behing the making of this as yet unreleased future masterpiece (you`d hope so) because it seems Mr Horn “had trouble locating the original Seal Multitracks”, to make the Dolby thing with ! One does have to larf.. he should have asked. I know a fella that might have been able to help.. (can you imagine)(LOL)
So, cant wait to hear whats what with this new venture with Seal & Dolby Atmos. A little bit deeper reading on this (recommended) will provide you with some news that Trevor (bless his little cotton socks) Horn is building (as in right now) his OWN Dolby Atmos studio. OOOOOOOOO.
Somebody`s got the bug.[gles]
That would suggest there may be more D/A things coming touched by the hand of Horn. Really hope he reads this you know.. just in case he does, I`d like to make a polite request that probably needs shouting from the rooftops instead.
“ABC`s Lexicon Of Love has to be the first Dolby Atmos job to be done in the new studio. No if or buts. No arguments.”
And if poss, a refresh of Mantrap might not go amiss either.
further reading offsite: here and here
Seal – Kiss From A Rose (Multitrack Usage) & Masterpost
Seal – Kiss From A Rose (Stems & Ableton Session from Rick Beato video)
Here`s some links to some Seal bits n bobs:
Seal – Multitrack Masterpost
Seal – Life On The Dance Floor (10 Stems)(48k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Seal – Crazy (Cut Version) (Multitrack)(14 Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Seal – It’s Man Man’s World (Multitrack)(26 Track)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the Masterposts page (Mega) here
Elton John, Dua Lipa – Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) (Official UK Number 1)
Congrats are due to Elton John, Dua Lipa & PNAU for finally making it to the top spot in the UK charts.. finally de-throning Ed Sheeren from his 15 week run.
I wouldn`t say I/we`ve been exactly championing the song, not that it would make any difference, but fair to say Ive been following events on this track a bit keener than I may do with others.. basically just because of what it is. A mash up.. or as Ive recently read it described as “a medley mash-up”. Catchy.
Still, guess what?? its finally done it. Its hit the top spot.. (although probs not for long. see: Adele)
A Mash-Up at Number 1. Just let that sink in for a bit, never mind its Sir Elt`s first number one over here for… oo.. 20 years. And hot on the heels of a new collab based album due out soon. Examine that plannin boys and girls. Landed nice uh.
Only thing that worries me, has this number 1 peaked us too soon. Medley mash-ups at the top of the charts. Never in my wildest.. & like with Grammy winning talent x2 probably 3. How`d you follow that?.. as they say.
Cant wait to see and hear something keeps the “Mash-Up” theme that then does better than Cold Heart has done already in the pop charts. And being an “official” label release. Seriously.
The more folk listening to tunes like Cold Heart and wondering how the hell it was made, the better imo.. and in my humble opinion, Cold Heart has more than likely introduced a few sparks into a future producers brain, and switched the lights on, maybe, for the next generation of multitrack fans just a little more.
I`ll take that at this stage.
Elton John, Dua Lipa – Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) (Official Video)
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Elton John Multitrack Masterpost
Elton John, Dua Lipa – Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) (Official Video)
I think this is more good news ! Another “green flag” people..
This is where we have been going wrong all these years. We`ve all been taking our music tooooo seriously, and we didnt even know it till Covid came along. And all it takes it seems this time round to make us shake our shimmy, is for “The Powers That Be” to officially release (and therefore endorse) something that is not a million miles away from a full on Elton John Mash Up with a new backing track, lets be honest from the off.. and then for an encore, lets add some Dua Lipa into the mix for good measure !
Borrowed quote from here:
“The new “Cold Heart” track features interpolations of [Elton] John’s 1989 ballad “Sacrifice” with his 1972 smash “Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going to Be a Long, Long Time),” 1983’s “Kiss the Bride,” and 1976’s “Where’s the Shoorah?” as the songs get a groove-tipped refresh in the mashup”.
Thats Rolling Stone calling it a Mash Up there btw.. Bet theyre stuck for a better description..(Me too).
Really liking tho, the technique of getting all the music parts/vocals from different songs, ie: picking the best bits from the multitrack(s), making new intro`s verses and choruses (kinda), getting the vocals to fit in time to 113 bpm from 88.97420743 bpm (on a good day), then timestretching the odd phrase to fit here and there, then maybe some vocal pitch shift/correction shenanigans.. finding a nice key they all sit in..something I do enjoy doing occasionally. “Enjoy” being the completely wrong word. But great to see it happening in a commercial release.. cant think of another that has been so “in yer face” about it ! .. correct me if I`m wrong.
IMO, great great news then. Completely whacky ideas getting official releases are cool.
Even cooler than that time we thought Mash Ups were cool.
Time to step up the game boys and girls.
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Elton John Multitrack Masterpost
Spotify Stem Player
Yes, I know its too late for April Fools, didnt have this ready in time
I think I might have mentioned the “Spotify Stem Player” more than once here and there, but I am having renewed thoughts on how close this is, or isnt, to becoming reality. So another little airing is due.
Either way, Ive made a pretty picture, so hope you enjoy it ! and if you happen to know anybody from Spotify HQ that could make this mock up “front end” a reality, do fill them in.
I`ve mentioned here how I see the old and rare multitracks thing possibly working out, and this I reckon could be “Part Deux” as I haven`t really covered which direction I see the new charty pop stuff going.. you know, the tunes we are supposed to be “too old to like” but do. Songs the kids reaaally like ..that sort of thing. No disrepect meant here either. Quite the opposite, as its “the kids” who are going to push for this more than the oldies.. you`ll see.
Take the Dua Lipa crowd. I can honestly say from recent experience that a fair few Dua Lipa fans are heavy into their stems in a big way.. kinda like the Britney crowd way back when.. I`m hoping a fan set like Dua`s (first name terms now boys) will hasten things a bit due to their “keen-ness” and very much being “stem aware“. I wonder how it would go? “erm, Dua my dear, there`s like millions of us want your stems.. can we have them please”? haha . A few of us oldies tryna hassle a one hit 80`s wonder for the odd multitrack probably would have no comparison to the army of Dua Lipa fans knocking on her doors and the labels, if they decided to make themselves heard.. wonder if theyd be so kind ?
I digress..
There is a downside to all this digital stems players and downloadable standalones/apps ect.. (apart from the usual) .. However you think it through, however possible I think this is or not, it once again presents possibilities of big changes in the way we consume music. Its change, which people generally dont like. Its hassle. And all the other negative stuff. But, saying that, you`d hope the opportunities this kind of thing presents for advancement of the industry (and the long term adoption of the new technologies involved to do it) generally would outweigh the bothersomeness of it all in the long run. So lets hope someone gets their act together. Quickly.
Im using Spotify as an example here, but this could be any app/player type of thing that probably already exists, an all-round great way for labels in general to get into the stem space.. You know, nothing wrong with setting something up to try it out uh? Being real, this may need some serious setting up, but, imo an absolute winner in the long run I would say, never mind who will get the kudos for doing it first too..
Is the technology there to do this? I would have thought so.. not quite checked, but going to assume the bandwidth is do-able.. 50/50 on the syncing up and general lag thing. I do sense problems with that. Otherwise it means downloading files, and thats a whole nother area of grief we can leave well alone for now.
As for time frame? anyone`s guess. Playing it safe here, and calling it (again) “before the end of the decade”.
We. Will. See.
I mean, I`ve made the best picture I can, (in Paint, no less) so you can see how I want it all to work.. All that is needed now is for some kind soul to wire it all up on the internet and make it work.
Wires. Remember those? ha
David Guetta – News & Stems Masterpost
So, more news. Seems David Guetta has sold his back catalogue to Warner for a 9 figure sum (£72M/$100M).. and if the BBC is reporting it, odds are its true lol. Check out the article here
Variety article here
Ya seeee, this is why I wanted to start the “extra” written content back up.. stuff like this I`m seeing news of weekly, almost daily.. and I reckon its important.. and if you read between the lines, and add a bit of thought about the big picture.. you might, just, come to the same, or completely wrong conclusion as me as to whats going on in certain areas of the Biz.
The conclusion is there definately something going on. Lets keep it simple.
What pricked my ears up on this one tho, is that this new deal includes all future recordings. Which, in this current round of sell off of rights, I think, is a first. That alone I think is newsworthy.
I have been following this M/O of what the big producers/artists have been doing quite keenly, with regards to them selling their back catalog, and rights to their songs, back to the labels, and private companies like the Nile Rodgers backed Hipgnosis who recently bought the rights to (amongst others), Bob Dylan, Shakira, RHCP & Fleetwood Mac ect..
And this is being done with billions of bucks and not chump change. So I honestly think its fair to say, something is afoot.
But what?
Its all conjecture from here tbh, but you can see why the big names are jumping in.. or out, depending on your perspective..
The thing that gets me is what these new rights buyers are actually going to do with the stuff they are buying? I cant see them just sitting on them, spose maybe thats an option, but I just get the feeling that theres going to be a bigger move somewhere down the line..
I`ll try to elaborate on my thought process ! Imagine if say Warner decided to set up a multitrack site, now they have David`s masters and the OK to do whatever they want with them. They could do anything. So could Hipgnosis. And I`m sure everybody else involved in this space would presumably follow.. What if they decided to sell these masters to the public as Stem sets? If doing that happens to become a money spinner, its basically lift off for stems & multitracks as a format in the same way we have known MP3 for a while now a format.. kinda. Pipe dream..? maybe, but you have to agree, the option to do that is now there.. even thought the likelyhood of that happening is low. Still, I do like the fact that this option wasnt there a year or so ago. So I`m calling progress. Especially now as Nile Rodgers is involved [with Hipgnosis] . Pound to a penny he`s already one of the soon to be patented catchphrase “stem aware” brigade lol.
There would be still big hurdles ahead.. because there`s another fact to factor in that if something like the above were to happen, and say Warner put the full multi of Titanium or WLTO up for sale somewhere, it would take approx 45 mins for it to be ripped & half way round the net and on all the stem sites and forums/boards.
So, logically, you`d think thats a non starter.. it`d probs be much worse if Hipgnosis [you`ll have to look them up for now] launched a multi site and released the entire Fleetwood Mac or Chic`s (or who-evers) back catalogue! There would be carnage. Blood in the streets. Everybody would want a copy of the stems for themselves. Absolutely 100%. Discussion over.
So one single sale & 45 mins of ripping and uploading would be enough to send a bootleg multi `round the world & web in no time, and odds are that the store will close and it`ll be game over as we saw with the Ariana Grande stuff on MTM. But much, much worse. Hence, my bet is “that MTM scerario” would similarly play out again. And again X however many companies try it.
That doesnt tho, take away the fact that we all would like to OWN all our favourite songs in multi form one way or another. But how I hear you ask, if everything gets leaked in minutes and all the stores shut down overnight because they think theyve made a giant booboo..??
answer: NFT`s. We all get a copy of the “eventually” leaked stems, but only a select few will actually own them. Legally.
Think about it. I genuinely have.. a lot. And thats the only way I can see things working where everyone is happy and there`s tons of multis bouncing round the net..
And for those wanting those Prince multis from the Paisley Park vaults, where, I believe there may even be no record company involved (as such) I`m sure your time will come. Eventually. Though officially owning one of only maybe 10 “NFT” digital copies of the original Purple Rain multitrack tapes, might become somewhat expensive.
food for thought uh?
ah well best get on with the DG Masterpost:
David Guetta Masterpost
David Guetta – Hey Mama (3 Remix Parts)(44.1k-16bit)
David Guetta – Love Is Gone (13 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
David Guetta & Showtek – Sun Goes Down (6 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
David Guetta feat Kid Cudi – Memories (5 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
The Egg – Walking Away (7 Remix Parts)(44.1k-16bit) flac
Added to the Masterposts page (Mega) here
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Multitrack Masterposts A-Z (2021)
Multitrack Masterposts A-Z (2022)
Seal – Kiss From A Rose (Multitrack Usage) & Masterpost
Hey gang,
Quite a while since I`ve delved a little deeper into some sort of written article.. I`m aware some of you guys actually do like these, so I do apologise for the lack of em, but we`ll see about more hopefully going forward, as that was the initial plan with the site at the start of this little adventure, but hey, times do change dont they ?
Anyways, since the English Summer is now practically over, and there`s lots of footy on TV (only on as background-promise), just wanted to say that I might go a little deeper on a few subjects close to our musical hearts over the coming month/s. I have kinda missed doing that. Been planning an NFT “thoughts” type of article, as I can see that affecting us all in the long run.. but that can wait. Cant see that kicking off really till the Etherium transaction costs come down via the 2.0 update.. and I`ve thoughts on why “Major label/official” stems & multitrack sites (with very well known songs on there) wont work, and why thats not a bad thing.. all sorts. Bet you cant wait
But, as of now, there is something you need to watch. Please find a 30 minute slot in your life, and watch this:
In the video on the Breakdown of Seal`s (classic – is not quite a worthy word to use – lets try Grammy winning) track “Kiss From A Rose” you will hear little clips of the KFAR multitrack, or stems. dunno. But stillll.. really nice to hear some solo`d bits from the song.. and yes, I`m secretly hoping theyll be the bootleg sample pack with “grabbed from you tube” audio clips too..
As a previously confirmed Stems/Seal/Trevor Horn fan I`d hope I kinda get the right to parp up about something like this every now and then, so do bear with !!! It`s almost exciting. So the news is Seal is very much “Stem Aware” uh ??!! yay. That`s another one to add to the list. Which, in my humble opinion, artists now really need to be stem aware, because, lets be frank.. their fans already are and no-one likes being behind the curve uh?
But do watch the video, its fun and you`ll probably learn something. there`s worse ways to spend 30 mins.
And when youre done, feel free get in touch with Seal, maybe on my behalf or your own, and ask him very nicely, to please release the stems for Kiss From A Rose “to make the world a better place”. Yeah. That should do it.
Ok, so we know that wont happen,(?) but the point has to be made. I know people want these things.. you know people want these things you ARE the people that want these things !
(go ask). be as much a P.I.T.A towards the artists (and labels-for that matter – ZTT I`m looking at you) as you are towards the guys that wont give you the stems for free by simply asking on a Reddit thread… use that passion/initiative.. point it in the direction of your favourite artist…get it across, S.T.E.M.S (in big letters) and we might have a collective “chance”.
just sayin. tbqh. imo. lol.
And if you`re not already a Seal fan (why not?) I hope that maybe the video will inspire you to go check out more of Seal`s songs. Start with the first 3 albums in the correct order and your good.
Nearly forgot.. a few of Seal`s Multi`s:
Might as well make it a Masterpost too.
Seal – Multitrack Masterpost
Seal – Life On The Dance Floor (10 Stems)(48k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Seal – Crazy (Cut Version) (Multitrack)(14 Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Seal – It’s Man Man’s World (Multitrack)(26 Track)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the Masterposts page (Mega) here
AND the full Crazy multi has still not shown up. anyone?
Seal/Trevor. guys.. please??
(I`ll give you a write up-no charge)
Queen – Rock Tour – Mobile App Rhythm Game & 20×4 Track Stems
Just some news to start the weekend.. Seems Queen have released a bit of a Rock Band type of game for mobile.. More info here
Not had chance to have a proper look, but I`m led to believe it works similar to the RB game and that there`s some 4 track stems for each song to play with.. 20 songs in total.
Stems added to the Queen Masterpost (Mega) here
The Day The Music Burned
Hey guys,
Just been sent a link to an article in the online New York Times, so I thought I`d share it.. from June 2019 but in regards to the 2008 Universal studios fire..kinda revealing how some of the labels artists were only just now realising that their masters disappeared around the time of the infamous 2008 fire.
Then I got to thinking how many people who are newly into multis and new to the scene, might actually know about this ?!?
So here`s a mini history lesson/remider for us all, and tbh, its been little things like this thats been a good chunk of the inspiration behind getting the site up. These old analogue things (the multitrack reels) are quite combustable and perishable over time.. and this is exactly why we need some [ALL] of the Majors to properly step up and sort out at least making the masters as digital as possible before a fire or something else happens again elsewhere.. surely. Then, put em online for folk to buy. Good excuse as any?
just my 2 cents..
anyway check the NYT post here.. its a bit long and you may need tissues.
Jean Michel Jarre – Welcome To The Other Side
Jean Michel Jarre – Welcome To The Other Side (Concert From Virtual Notre-Dame) (2021) [Hi-Res stereo] flac here
Mid Month Newsletter
Hey guys
First up, and as always my sincere thanks to each and every one of you who help make this project a reality. I dont need to bang on about how shitty this year has been.. we all know, I just hope what we have been doing here has been a good distraction from the reality that is Covid. You guys have helped me get thru it, and I hope the same can be said in reverse ! So to all the regulars & newbies alike.. thanks again for the support.
As you might have noticed, there`s quite a lot of content landing the last couple of months. And, in places, the site is far from tidy. TBH, there`s going to be a bit of a major tidy next year.. or, as soon as I can do it. Sort of doing it on the fly as it is , but that is not ideal. So bear with on that please.
Ok, stuff you need to know. I`m toying with the idea of shutting down new registrations next year. It may be temporary, it may be permanent, or it may not happen, or I may turn the site into invite only. And there may be a second site coming too. I wish I could explain further, but I cant. But I reckon there will also be changes on entrance criteria and/or limited amounts of new members. For a time. and so on.
It seems the site is rattling too many cages, and that was never the plan, so as mentioned elsewhere on the site, next year, more than likely some changes are a comin. They would be coming anyway, but these may be different and unexpected compared to what you guys are used to, so , hence, the heads up.
Temp plan A is to close registrations at the end of January. The reason Im telling you this is because if you are reading this, you made the cut. There will also be new rules coming regarding leaving the club and coming back into it, and hopefully, there will be a rewards system for people actively helping the site.. whether it being by donating content and or inviting their friends to join via personal invitations or something !
Which brings me swiftly to where you each come in on this with the help individually over the next 6 weeks.
What I would like you to do over the holiday season if possible, is quietly spread the word to your good mates about how cool and groovy the site is and suggest to them how great it would be for them to join up as a member ! I`m sure I can find the odd extra Xmas gift for the pair of you as a bonus ! If you know of anybody that may find the site useful, please let them know about it, and if they like what they see, drop me a mail with your buddys name/ID when they sign up, and I`ll take it from there. You may suggest more than one friend.
Going to try this M/O for a while, (6 weeks) and the results will show whether I can indeed lock the site down and make it more cosy, or it will show if I have to leave the door open.. which in reality, would be slightly ajar.
Thats about it on that one.. I`m sure you get the drift, so any help on some newbie mates joining up would be greatly appreciated.
Next big subject to cross is how we re-think the “buy group” files lists. Dont think I will be able to post any more lists of potential buys to the mid tier folk for a while. Even tho it was much fun, and I got some great data, I think its probably best if any buy lists are only seen in future by Top Tier eyes. In fact, I might scrap lists like that altogether, or just mail out to the TT guys.. not sure on this as yet, but either way.. 100% guaranteed, new stuff is coming. You might just have to trust me as to what tho.. at least in the short term.
Still going to make the first port of call for the new stuff the ProTools page but, because its a bit cleaner, the info may be put on the R.F.P A-Z also. Not sure. Tempted to repurpose the RFP A-Z to contain everything the ProTools page shouldn`t tbh. But we`ll see.
Luckily, I know you guys can read between the lines (and the pages) pretty well these days anyway, so rest assured, the goodies will keep coming throughout the New Year and beyond.
Sorry for such a long news letter.. there may be another one coming soon so Ill leave it here for now.
Cheers guys and all the best
Fuser Released !
Been an interesting few days behind the scenes.. amongst other things I`ve been dusting off the old streaming equipment, just in case its needed anytime soon, and doing the old updating software you havent used for about 4 years kinda thing, because.. Fuser is coming out. And by the time you read this it probably will be out. Not that I`m clock watching. And even though I`m trying to avoid getting a copy of this for fun, I probably will end up getting it for research purposes.
You see, Ive been viewing a few streams of this game on Twitch recently.. for research purposes, dont you know, and everytime, there`s something new that catches my eye.. to the extent of maybe just a level below “Jaw Dropping”.. or at least somewhere `round that level. Due to the said “research” I get the feeling that this game is probably going to be even better than I expected.. and looks like theres some serious depth to it in places. Your main thoughts as you play through I guarantee will be “oh, it does that does it, ok, thats cool” followed by “whoa, you can do that too”? ect..
As you can see I`m dying to spoil it for everyone. But I cant. Just cant. And for sure I dont want to even try and explain all the mechanics used to play 4 different parts of a song together with 4 parts of any of about 100 songs and how they magically all gel together (nearly) with all the pitch correction and key change malarky going on.
Lets just say it looks like a few programs like Recycle, Melodyne & Mixed In Key all had a bit of a party and gave birth the morning after. To something.. And if you are familiar with Harmonix`s previous outing “Dropmix”, you`ll know all about that wizardry already. “All now at the touch of a button”.. as some reviews would say.
The good news is that every review Ive also read about Fuser is pretty much clueless as to what this “game” is actually all about partly because the review copies are limited to certain modes and songs (I believe), but mainly because they simply wont have had time to learn the game and what it becomes later down the line when you have gained a very deep knowledge of the entire software. You might even need some skill in places. And a bit of studio knowledge wont hurt either,by the looks of things.
I`ll leave it there for now, tempted to spoil further but there`s heaps of streams on Twitch atm, so you can get a better idea from watching a few of those if you wish, but every glance will contain a spoiler or two, so thats up to you. I`ll leave this first post about Fuser as short as poss, but here are a few quotes from Harmonix themeselves I copied and pasted from some recent Twitch chats..
“fairly meaty campaign, a competitive 1v1 battles ladder, weekly mix submission events, endless musical creation. There’s a lot to do”
“we got the stems straight from the labels” (I asked)
“they are radio-clean”
“my strat is to use the “unlimited time” show goal sections to max out the crowd meter”
“You can totally stream this game, you just cannot keep your vods or clips. You can upload your vods to YouTube instead, but you can’t monetize”.
“Campaign scores you based on how well you complete show goals, how active you are in changing the mix, dropping on downbeats, and fulfilling audience requests”
Below the Hoff, you`ll now find the launch track list I copied and pasted too. Going to be sorting this out over the next few days and hopefully linking up whatever media we have kicking about to the playlist so you can hopefully make one or two versions of things you might discover while watching or playing Fuser !
Thats the plan. May have to start a new page up for all the Fuser stuff. As I think this may be an ongoing thing for quite some time.. and thats before we start seeing rips of stuff.. So, we will see.
FUSER “Play List”
Artist – Song – Genre – Year – BPM – Key in game – Mixed in Key data – Availability
50 Cent “In da Club” Hip Hop 2002 – 90 BPM – Db Minor – 12A 50 Cent – In Da Club (Studio Acapella & Instrumental)(flac & 192Mp3 Nitro here Mega here
A Tribe Called Quest “Can I Kick It?” Hip Hop 1990 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
A-ha “Take On Me” Pop 1984 a-Ha – Take On Me (Multitrack)(22 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit) Mega here
Ace of Base “The Sign” Pop 1994 Ace of Base – The Sign (7 Vocal Stems & Instrumental)(44.1k- 24bit) Mega here
Agent 001 “Daniel Wiggy” Dance 2003 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Amy Winehouse “Rehab” R&B 2006 Amy Winehouse – Rehab (12 Stems) MP3-320k Mega here
Armin van Buuren “Blah Blah Blah” Pop 2018 – 138 BPM – F Minor – 4A (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Ava Max “Sweet but Psycho” Pop 2018 Ava Max – Sweet But Psycho (Official Instrumental & DIY Acapella)(HQ WAV & MP3-320k) Nitro here Mega here
Bad Bunny “Yo Perreo Sola” Latin 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Basement Jaxx “Where’s Your Head At” Dance 2001 Basement Jaxx – Where’s Your Head At (Studio Acapella) MP3 -192k Nitro here Mega here
Basra Khan “Black Phosphorous” Dance 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Becky G & Natti Natasha “Sin Pijama” Latin 2018 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Benny Benassi presents The Biz “Satisfaction” Dance 2001 130 BPM – Bb Minor – 3A Benny Benassi – Satisfaction (Studio Acapella) MP3 – 320k Nitro here Mega here
Bignums “High Fructose” Dance 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Billie Eilish “Bad Guy” Pop 2019 135 BPM – G Minor – 6A Billie Eilish – Bad Guy (21 DIY Unmixed Stems)(44.1k-16bit) Billie Eilish – Bad Guy (Acapella + Instrumental)(44.1k-16bit) Billie Eilish – Bad Guy (RB4)(5 Stems)(48k-24bit) flac Mega here
Blue Öyster Cult “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” Rock 1976 Blue Öyster Cult – (Don’t Fear) The Reaper (RB)(7 Stems)(34k-16bit) flac Nitro here Mega here
Black Light Odyssey “Sequence Her” Dance 2019 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Bobby Brown “My Prerogative” R&B 1988 Buy the official 17 track stem pack here
Brad Paisley “Mud on the Tires” Country 2003 93 BPM – D Major – 10B Brad Paisley – Mud on the Tires (RB)(7 Stems)(48k-16bit) flac Mega here
Cade7 “Dot Calm” Dance 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Cardi B “Bodak Yellow” Hip Hop 2017 Cardi B – Bodak Yellow (Instrumental & DIY Acapella) MP3 – 320k Nitro here Mega here
Carly Rae Jepsen “Call Me Maybe” Pop 2011 Carly Rae Jepsen – Call Me Maybe (6 Stems)(48k-16bit) Mega here
The Chainsmokers ft. Daya “Don’t Let Me Down” Pop 2015 The Chainsmoker – Dont Let Me Down (Remake) (FLS Template) Nitro here Mega here
The Chainsmokers – Dont Let Me Down (Demo Studio Acapella)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here
Charm Syndicate “Bloom” Dance 2020 – 92 BPM – Bb Major – 6B (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Childish Gambino “Summertime Magic” R&B 2018 – 100 BPM – C Major – 8B (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
The Clash “Rock the Casbah” Rock 1982 The Clash – Rock the Casbah (RB)(8 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac Nitro here Mega here
Coldplay “Clocks” Rock 2002 Coldplay – Clocks (RB)(8 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac Mega here
CrackCase “Rupture Academy” Hip Hop 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Da Sunlounge ft. Sara Z “Been Here From the Start” Dance 2013 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Danny Humbles “Streetfire Tango” Dance 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
David Youu “Get Back To Me” Dance 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Deadmau5 ft. Rob Swire “Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff” Dance 2008 – 128 BPM – Bb Minor – 3A Deadmau5 – Ghost’s and Stuff Track Pack (16 Samples)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here
Doscomp “Lonely Mornings” Dance 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
DMX “X Gon’ Give It to Ya” Hip Hop 2003 DMX – X Gon’ Give It to Ya (Studio Acapella) MP3 – 320k Nitro here Mega here
Dolly Parton “Jolene” Country 1973 – 120 BPM – Db Minor – 12A (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Donna Summer “Hot Stuff” Dance 1979 – 122 BPM – G Minor – 6A (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Dua Lipa “Don’t Start Now” Pop 2019 – 124 BPM – B Minor – 10A Dua Lipa – Don’t Start Now (Multitrack)(91 Track)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here
DYH “Let’s Go Home” Dance 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Echo & The Bunnymen “Lips Like Sugar” Rock 2014 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Eddie Japan “Summer Hair” Rock 2019 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Eric B. & Rakim “Don’t Sweat the Technique” Hip Hop 1992 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Faint Shadow “Feeling Never Lasts” Rock 2019 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Fatboy Slim “The Rockafeller Skank” Dance 1998 Fatboy Slim – The Rockafeller Skank (17 Dry Akai Sampler Parts)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here
Flo Rida feat. Sage the Gemini & Lookas “G.D.F.R.” Hip Hop 2014 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Grandmaster Melle Mel “The Message (2012)” Hip Hop 2012 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Greg LeBeau “This Isn’t Enough” R&B 2020 – 119 BPM – A Major – 11B (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Grouplove “Tongue Tied” Pop 2011 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Hashyani “Mantra” Dance 20f20 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Imagine Dragons “Thunder” Rock 2017 Imagine Dragons – Thunder (5 Stems)(48k-32bit) Mega here
J Balvin & Willy William “Mi Gente” Latin 2017 J. Balvin & Willy William – Mi Gente (Studio Acapella) MP3 – 320k Mega here
Jonas Brothers “Sucker” Pop 2018 Jonas Brothers – Sucker (12 Jammer Samples)(48k-16bit) Jonas Brothers – Sucker (RB4)(5 Stems)(48k-16bit) Mega here
Joliet “Groove on Lockdown” Dance 2020 124 BPM – D Minor – 7A (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Justin Timberlake “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” Pop 2016 Justin Timberlake – Cant Stop The Feeling (Instrumental & HQ DIY Acapella) 320k & flac Mega here
Karol G & Nicki Minaj “Tusa” Latin 2019 – 101 BPM – D Major – 10B Karol G ft. Nicki Minaj – Tusa (Studio Acapella & Instrumental) MP3 – 320k Mega here
Kendrick Lamar & SZA “All the Stars” R&B 2018 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
The Killers “The Man” Rock 2017 The Killers – The Man (Instrumental)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here
Labelle “Lady Marmalade” R&B 1974 115 BPM – G Minor – 6A (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Lady Gaga “Born This Way” Pop 2011 Lady Gaga – Born This Way (9 Stems)(48k-32bit) Mega here
Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus “Old Town Road (Remix)” Pop 2019 Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus – Old Town Road (Remix) (5 Stems)(48k-16bit) flac Mega here
Lizzo “Good as Hell” Hip Hop 2016 – 96 BPM – Ab Major 4B Lizzo – Good As Hell (Instrumental & DIY Acapella) M4A – MP3 300k Mega here
LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock “Party Rock Anthem” Pop 2011 – 130 BPM – F Minor – 4A LMFAO – Party Rock Anthem (RB4)(5 Stems)(48k-16bit) flac Mega here
Lonely C ft Kendra Foster “Hold Up (Radio Edit)” Dance 2018 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Lord Felix “Studio 54” Hip Hop 2019 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Wanz “Thrift Shop” Hip Hop 2012 Macklemore and Ryan Lewis – Thrift Shop (Official Instrumental & DIY Acapella) MP3 – 192k & WAV Mega here
Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera “Moves like Jagger” Pop 2011 – 128 BPM – B Minor 10A Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera – Moves Like Jagger (RB3)(6 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac Mega here
Megadeth “Symphony of Destruction” Rock 1992 Megadeth – Symphony of Destruction (Jammit)(8 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Megadeth – Symphony of Destruction (RB)(7 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac Mega here
Meghan Trainor “Me Too” Pop 2016 – 124 BPM – E minor – 9A Meghan Trainor – Me Too (Official Instrumental w_ backings) (320 kbps) Mega here
Migos “Stir Fry” Hip Hop 2017 – 91 BPM – A Minor – 8A (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Naughty by Nature “O.P.P.” Hip Hop 1991 Naughty Be Nature – O.P.P (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(96k-24bit) Mega here
Nelly “Hot in Herre” Hip Hop 2002 Buy the official 14 track stem pack here
O-Zone “Dragostea Din Tei” Dance 2003 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
ORION “Time For Crime” Dance 2019 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Otis Redding “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay” R&B 1968 Otis Redding – (Sittin’ on the) Dock of the Bay (Take 2) (5 ogg Stems) Mega here
Panic! at the Disco “High Hopes” Pop 2018 Panic! at the Disco – High Hopes (RB4) (5 Stems)(48k-16bit)flac Mega here
Pattern Drama ft. Aquarius Heaven & Hezza Fezza “Wait For Me” Dance 2017 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Paul van Dyk “For an Angel (PvD Remix ’09)” Dance 2009 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Pharrell Williams “Happy” Pop 2013 Pharrell Williams – Happy (RB) (5 Stems)(48k-16bit) flac Mega here
Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer “Give Me Everything” Pop 2011 – 129 BPM – Eb Major – 5B Pitbull – Give Me Everything (Studio Acapella & Instrumental) MP3 -320k Mega here
Pixies “Here Comes Your Man” Rock 1989 Pixies – Here Comes Your Man (RB)(7 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac Mega here
Post Malone “Better Now” Hip Hop 2018 Post Malone – Better Now (DIY Acapella)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here
Rage Against the Machine “Killing in the Name” Rock 1992 Rage Against the Machine – Killing in the Name (RB)(6 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac Mega here
Rick Astley “Never Gonna Give You Up” Pop 1987 Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up (RB)(8 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac Mega here
Rüfüs Du Sol “Eyes” Dance 2018 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Salt-N-Pepa “Push It” Hip Hop 1987 Salt n Pepa – Push It (Album Version)(Multitrack)(16 Track)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Salt N Pepa – Push It (52 ProTools Stems)(2011 Re-Record)(48k-32bit) Mega here
Sam Hunt “Body Like a Back Road” Country 2017 – 99 BPM – F Major – 7B Sam Hunt – Body Like A Back Road (RB)(5 Stems)(48k-16bit) flac Mega here
Sean Paul “Temperature” Latin 2006 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Shania Twain “Any Man of Mine” Country 1995 Shania Twain – Any Man of Mine (RB)(7 Stems)(48k-16bit) flac Mega here
Sia ft. Sean Paul “Cheap Thrills” Pop 2016 Sia – Cheap Thrills (Multitrack)(20 Track)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here
Smash Mouth “All Star” Rock 1999 Buy the official 21 track stem pack here
Soul Clap ft. Nick Monaco & Bill “Bass” Nelson “Future 4 Love” Dance 2016 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Steve Porter “Espresso” Dance 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
STL GLD ft. Latrell James “Chaka Zulu” Hip Hop 2012 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
T.I. ft. Jay-Z “Bring Em Out” Hip Hop 2004 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
TK Sun “Hold On Infinite” Dance 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Tones and I “Dance Monkey” Pop 2019 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Twenty One Pilots “Stressed Out” Pop 2015 Twenty One Pilots – Stressed Out (12 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here
The Unicorn Princess “Back To Boston” Hip Hop 2020 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Warren G & Nate Dogg “Regulate” Hip Hop 1994 – 93 BPM E Minor – 9A Warren G & Nate Dogg – Regulate (2xAcapella)(320k)(192k) MP3Mega here
The Weeknd “Blinding Lights” Pop 2019 The Weeknd – Blinding Lights (RB)(5 Stems & Acc & Inst)(44.1k-16bit) flac Mega here
Whitney Houston “I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)” Pop 1987 Whitney Houston – I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Acapella) 122k-MP3 Mega here
Young MC “Bust a Move” Hip Hop 1989 Young MC – Bust A Move (Studio Acapella) 320k-MP3 Mega here
Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey “The Middle” Dance 2018 – 107 BPM – G Major – 9B Zedd, Maren Morris, Grey – The Middle (Lead Vocals & Instrumental) 320k-MP3 Mega here
25 songs are available as the first batch of DLC and included with the VIP edition:
21 Savage “A Lot” Hip Hop 2019 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Afrojack ft. Eva Simons “Take Over Control” Dance 2010 – 130 BPM – C Minor – 5A Afrojack ft. Eva Simons – Take Over Control (2xStudio Acapellas & Extended Instrumental) 320k&WAV Mega here
Alanis Morissette “Ironic” Rock 1996 Alanis Morisette – Ironic (5 Stems)(OGGS) Mega here
Amerie “1 Thing” R&B 2005 Amerie – 1 Thing (3x Studio Acapellas & Instrumental) VBR MP3 & WAV Mega here
Ava Max “Kings & Queens” Pop 2020 Ava Max – Kings And Queens (Instrumental & DIY Acapella)(WAV & 320k – MP3) Mega here
Bananarama “Venus” Pop 1986 Bananarama – Venus (7” Studio Acapella)(319k – MP3)
Mega here
The Cranberries “Linger” Rock 1993 The Cranberries – Linger (RB)(7 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac Mega here
DJ Snake, J Balvin & Tyga “Loco Contigo” Latin 2019 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Echo & the Bunnymen “Lips Like Sugar” Rock 1987 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Erasure “A Little Respect” Pop 1988 Erasure – A Little Respect (12 Mono Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here
Evanescence “Bring Me to Life” Rock 2003 Evanescence – Bring Me to Life (RB) (7 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac Mega here
Fetty Wap “Trap Queen” Hip Hop 2014 Fetty Wap – Trap Queen (Instrumental & 2xDIY Acapellas)(MP3-VBR) Mega here
French Montana ft. Swae Lee “Unforgettable” Hip Hop 2017 French Montana, Swae Lee – Unforgettable (2xAcapellas & Instrumental) MP3 – 320k Mega here
Glen Campbell “Gentle on My Mind” Country 1967 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Ini Kamoze “Here Comes the Hotstepper (Heartical Mix)” Dance 1994 Ini Kamoze – Here Comes The Hotstepper (Heartipella) MP3-320k Mega here
Justin Timberlake “Rock Your Body” Pop 2003 Justin Timberlake – Rock Your Body (Instrumental & DIY Acapella) MP3-238k&192k Mega here
Kane Brown ft. Lauren Alaina “What Ifs” Country 2017 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Kelly Clarkson “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)” Pop 2012 Kelly Clarkson – Stronger (6 Stems)(48k-24bit) Mega here
Mark Ronson ft. Miley Cyrus “Nothing Breaks Like a Heart” Pop 2018 (UNAVAILABLE ATM)
Nicki Minaj “Starships” Pop 2012 – 125 BPM – D Major – 10B Nicki Minaj – Starships (Studio Acapella & Instrumental) MP3-320k & WAV Mega here
Sean Paul “Get Busy” Latin 2003 Sean Paul – Get Busy (Studio Acapella)(MP3-320k) Mega here
Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em “Crank That (Soulja Boy)” Hip Hop 2007 Soulja Boy – Crank That (Soulja Boy) (2xStudio Acapellas & Instrumental) MP3 VBR & flac Mega here
Tone Loc “Funky Cold Medina” Hip Hop 1989 Tone Loc – Funky Cold Medina (2X Studio Acapellas) MP3-VBR Mega here
Topic with A7S “Breaking Me” Dance 2019 Topic – Breaking Me (feat. A7S) (DIY Acapella & Instrumental) MP3 – 320k Mega here
Usher ft. Pitbull “DJ Got Us Fallin’ in Love” R&B 2010 – 120 BPM – G Minor – 6A Usher Ft. Pitbull – DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again (10 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) (plz ask for info)
Dua Lipa “New Rules” Pop 2017 Dua Lipa – New Rules (Multitrack)(22 Track)(44.1k-24bit) flac Mega here
Khalid “Young Dumb & Broke” Hip Hop 2017 Khalid – Young Dumb & Broke (Studio Acapella & Instrumental) MP3 – 320k Mega here
The Killers “Mr. Brightside” Rock 2003 The Killers – Mr. Brightside (OGG Stems & Acapella) Mega here
19 NOV 2020:
Deee-Lite “Groove Is In the Heart” Deee-Lite – Groove is in the Heart (Multitrack)(21 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here
Harry Styles “Adore You” Harry Styles – Adore You (RB)(5 Stems)(192k-16bit) Mega here
Zedd & Griff “Inside Out” Zedd – Inside Out (8 Remix Parts & 2 Acapellas)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here
24 NOV 2020:
Maroon 5 – Maps
ScHoolboyQ – Man of the Year 112 BPM G minor
TagTeam – Whoomp (There It Is)
November News
Hey everyone !
Hope everyone is well and keeping safe.. so far uh? Wave 2 on a roll rn (sigh)
Once again my thanks are due to you guys for continuing to support the cause.. or (the greater good as it is called behind the scenes) & rest assured it is very appreciated support. If you didnt already know, every waking hour is spent doing something at least loosely, involved in the site one way or another..
Been the busiest month yet, which on the grand scheme of things, cant be bad.. and lots of new blood too, so Newbies.. Hello ! hope you are finding your way around well enough..
For those of you that dont know, a quick reminder in general for all here, that there may or may not be many posts on the main page at times, especially kinda now tbh.. and for reasons of keeping things short, everyone may be best checking the pages at the top of the site more frequently and thoroughly, as thats where the main chunk of stuff is going on. Just to keep things a tad on the low low you know?
Onto the news then..
OOOO Boy. What a month.. record breaker right here. Most of you will be aware of the buy group that has been set up to get goodies from the net to share between ourselves by now. If you were unaware, well, now you know. From what Im hearing its not exactly an underground secret, but still.. a quick note here too, this is something else we all need to keep on the low low..
Sorry for the tangent there, but stuff like this is becoming more important by the day.
Thanks btw for all the replies to the “take your pick” selection from this months buy list. The feedback was suprisingly equal for pretty much every track listed, which is great in one way, and bad in another ! Spose I`m tuned in to what to get now, so thats good to know, but since you all want similar stuff, it was just not going to happen as a top ten. But worry not, we secured the lot. Paying for it is another story lol, but Ive been given the green light to settle up at the end of the month.
I just want to point out how important this is. I think I must be trusted enough to be offered things upfront and you guys must be trusted by the sources for being superb and playing your part not leaking the packs.
This is remarkably good news. Please keep it up.. the longer we do, we will get more trusted as a group, and the quality and frequency of the files will improve. Keep on this course guys and were golden.
Just sayin but thanks too.
The reason for the above context, is that we are now in MOREVEMBER and theres a fair chance that between now and Xmas, and beyond, there might be alot of rare-ish content flying about, so I`d like everyone on the same page and we should all have a jolly old Xmas. If you think this month is a busy one for packs, I`m hoping December will be even better. Deffo some Hot Stuff coming in December for sure.. I was planning the 12 leaks of Christmas (LOL).. but might have to leave that one on the drawing board ! haha
So still lots going on.. heaps of little jobs round the site still to do, but stopping making promises on things for a while. I kinda do it to set myself goals, but other things higher on the greater good scale of things messes that idea up now, so I`m back to doing things in “order of importance” now.
Which brings me swiftly to this months page updates. There`s some stuff that was top tier only but isnt now and it has been moved down to mid tier and posted that on the 70`s & 80`s page. This is where the slightly rarer files will live for now.
I have also added a few things to the top tier pool on the Rare page to replace those files that have gone down a tier (can you see the theme here)?? and there will hopefully be more coming direct to the rare page as the month progresses, and on into the future.
The stuff the buy group got last month has been sorted out (naming/bit rates ect) and added to the ProTools page as a fine looking list if I may say, and added to the list of all the packs we have gathered so far. My top tier guys, do your thing..please take a look and let me know your choice (s).
Hopefully mid month will see another list of random packs for December you guys can peruse/vote on. My apologies for not getting back to most of you on the last one.. thought it may be the case ! but great feedback all the same, so thanks to those who used their voting rights !! haha.
Thats about it I think, I`m sure there was more, but as you can see, I do kinda type thoughts.. If I remember what it was, I`ll do another news post. probably something important I missed.
Also need to thank the guys that upgraded last month to make that group of 20 files doable.. as you can see we reaped the rewards.. just got to pay for the rest of em next month now, so anybody wanting to upgrade to sort of.. well, help out.. please do. Not a major push on things this month, but if we can get just a handful of upgrades, that`ll help enormously.
Thanks again guys.. couldn`t do it without you
Stay safe my friends.
Mid Month Newsletter
Hi Guys .. a little mid month update for you.
Dont worry, I`m still here ! haha .. so so much going on behind the scenes atm.. my apologies for the lack of main page action, and the tidying up I havent done, or the pellas.. but trust me, its all been for the greater good!
OK, it has been suggested to me that it might be a good thing to let our mid tier guys know what we get up to in the the top tier sometimes. And I liked that idea. The following list, I WAS only going to post on the ProTools page but I can kinda kill a few birds with one stone here, and it could be fun, and it will show you what pains (The IPG & I) lol, have to go through sometimes when selecting future files for the site.
So my mid tier peeps, check out the list below. Between us (this time) we somehow have to get this list down to about 10. It needs to be split in half.. best ten with preference ! a nutshell. Top tier guys you already know what to do so fire away with the return list asap plz.
So for funsies if you want to start having your say early on in your clubremixer adventure, feel free to mail me your top ten from this list below. If you only want to send a top two thats cool too.. Or, split the list into 2. A&B.. but have your say if you want. There`s 20 in total to choose from.
Bee Gees – You Should Be Dancing (24)
Janet Jackson – Anytime Anyplace (R. Kelly Remix)(28)
Fergie ft. Q – Tip & GoonRock – A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (8)
Teena Marie – Square Biz (28)
The Emotions – Blind Alley (8)
Skyy – Call Me (26)
Coolio – Fantastic Voyage (24)
Rick James – Fire & Desire (23)
New Edition – Candy Girl (22)
Johnny Guitar Watson – Superman Lover (24)
Timex Social Club – Rumors (31)
K-Solo – Fugitive (24)
Gary’s Gang – Keep On Dancin’ (24)
Marvin Gaye – I Want You (13) & Marvin Gaye – I Want You [Mix 2] (16)
The Isley Brothers – That Lady (16)
Raw Silk – Do It To The Music (24)
Seal – It’s Man Man’s World (26)
Deee-Lite – Groove is in the Heart (21)
Dr. Dre – G Thang (Remix) (35)
TLC – No Scrubs (22)
Mail to: clubremixer[at]outlook[dotcom]
Just this time, dont expect an email back.. you probs will get one but, if this goes hyperdrive you wont ! BUT it WILL be great data for me to work with at worst.
As you can see from the list this months little promo push is yeilding results. Many thanks to all who took the plunge with the upgrade during promo week/month ! Nice one guys thank you. We are mid month and we can cover 10 packs for next month already. So pleased as punch. Anybody else wanting to upgrade is more than welcome to.. dont forget, upgrade funds are used 100% for buying new packs.. and if I can pull another group of 5 or 10 packs with some extra funds we will be onto a record breaking month on the aquisition side. Think we already are tbh.
If you didnt know already there is a selection of about 50+ files that we have already bought from May 2020 onwards on the ProTools page. We buy monthly and all the buys are listed by the month of purchase on there so do check that out. Rules and regs for the top tier are on there too.
In further news there`s a couple of new things added to the Rare page. Two for my “fellow oldies” ha.. The Who and Bob Dylan are now on there.
So with those 2, the collection of rarer files is growing quite nicely.
Ariana Grande – Be Alright (Multitrack)(57 Mono & Stereo Tracks)(48k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Barbara Mason – Another Man (Re-Record)(Multitrack)(14 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Bob Dylan – Like a Rolling Stone (Multitrack)(4 Track)(48k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Edwin Starr – War (Multitrack V2)(Complete)(16 Mono Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Herbie Hancock – Rock It (Multitrack)(13 Tracks) DOWNLOAD
Linda Clifford – Repossessed (Multitrack)(19 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Pet Shop Boys – Heart (Multitrack)(30 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Pet Shop Boys – Heart (Kick Drum Track)(Cover)(48k-32bit) DOWNLOAD
P!nk – U & Your Hand (Multitrack)(26 Track)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Pussycat Dolls – When I Grow Up (7 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Salt n Pepa – Push It (Album Version)(Multitrack)(16 Track)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Sylvester – Over And Over (Re-Record)(Multitrack)(22 Mono Tracks)(Missing Drums)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Sylvester – Over & Over (Drum DIY) DOWNLOAD
The Temptations – Papa Was A Rollin Stone (16 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
The Who – Who Are You (24 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)(UK 45 single and radio DJ mix stems. 12 stereo pairs o/w 7 backing tracks, 4 lead vocals censored/uncensored wet/dry – plus reference mix) DOWNLOAD
and thats about it.
more news soon !
stay safe ;
Some More News
Hi Guys,
Just a quick one. Some thanks to give out !
Thank you thank you thank you for the recent upgrades. To those of you that took the plunge, I know how hard times are rn, and knowing this makes your support super super important to me.. dont worry.. wont let cha down !
Thanks also for the feedback from lots of you in regards to the upping of the entry level for the entire 70`s & 80`s page tier. Surprisingly, by about 2-1 ish, the overall feeback is that locking things up for the page is probably for the best.
Personally, I`m still on the fence because it still is messing with the ethos for the site I had in my head from early on.. which is and always will be, tons of great stuff at a smiley ticket and get more people into multitracks via NOT locking them away too much which was the case about a year ago with the traders.. and as you now know, the smiley ticket thing in general does not pay for the rare and even rarer stuff. Doesn`t take a genius to work out its the “even rarer” stuff that is causing the issues now lol. FYI, the “even rarer” stuff cost 2x/3x (& upwards) more than the earlier files we bought.
Obvs the site has grown since I first thought that the smiley ticket was the way to go, but there is also the fact to consider now that as we have grown, and the rare/not on the internet files are now coming along quickly.. there is still some work in progress stuff going on to keep everone happy as much as possible, while at the same time I`m trying to find ways to tighten things up a little, in regards to the security of stuff and leaking ect. Hopefully you too see the dilema.
Hope that made sense..
Good news is though, this little burst of fundraising has gone really well so far and we are just about there to financially cover what I have my beady eyes on for next months group purchase. I`ve even had offers of extra donations to keep things running smooth, which was nice and unexpected.. so thanks for that guys, and for letting me know how full on some of you guys are behind me.. Really great to know I`ve got some proper deep support.
To keep this short, the upshot of all this is that I have now repurposed the 5.1 page and added that content to the Samples page (which has a few new updates on too), and created a new page called “rare” into which I have moved all the more recent rare stuff from the 70`s & 80`s page. There will be notifications on the 70`s & 80`s page of the stuff that is similar, but hosted on the “Rare” page. The 70`s & 80`s page itself has gone back down to mid tier and obvs the new rare page has had to be made at top tier.. so you guys at least have a choice now, which was the main flaw in the slightly rushed out fundraising idea. tbh, I was a bit worried about finances which some of you picked up on and behind the scenes its not a secret I actually spent more than the site brought in on multis last month.. and its not cos were struggling on member numbers, theyre steady and exactly the same.. but there`s soooo much more I want to get on the site. (small sigh). Think I need to teach myself some patience !
So I`m going to leave the decision to upgrade in your hands now if you havent already.. just bear in mind this is the equation we have to work round: Plenty of folk joining the top tier = more files for the site. Keeping everybody happy (lowering the threshold on the 70`s & 80`s page for mid tier members & off site folk) basically means less new files. All I aim to do now, somehow, is find that happy medium.. we`ll see how it goes. It is a difficult situation all round.. You want to (understandably) spend as little as poss for as much as poss (as would I) VS me wanting to buy as much stuff as possible, in bulk cos its cheaper, as quick as I can while it is actually available . It is a lot of decisions & responsibility for a crazy old DJ, so do bear with him
Have a great weekend guys
all the best
The News
Hey guys,
Another long one I`m afraid..
Good news, bad news time so lets get it over and done with. I`ve had to make a desicion I didnt want to, so I`m going to try things for a month to see how it goes. I`m going to raise the entry level for newbies to enter the 70`s & 80`s page.. which I am having to do due to a little fund raising effort needed to procure some multitracks that are a little bit rarer than our usual fare, and therefore more expensive.
The bad news is this means anyone reading this who hasn`t already downloaded everything from that page will have to upgrade to the top tier to use that page further. This will be at least for one month, so bear with while I try this out..
On the upside, a whole new world of multitracks seem to be working their way around I`m glad to report, but downside, as mentioned above.. expensivo. So we`ll see how that goes. I`ll admit its a bit of a rushed fund raiser idea, but the one easiest to implement.. as long as it works !
So hopefully all the regular members wont feel the pain of this too much, sorry newbies, it`s you who get the brunt again ! If it really bothers many people that much that I`m raising the bar on the 70`s n 80`s page or even if you think it`s a good idea, feel free to have your say. I`ll go with the majority. Even the vocal minority !! This may be a P.I.T.A for a few for a while but the idea is that it benefits everybody in the long run.
It`s that fine line between tons of music for all at a smiley ticket, or being a bit sensible and getting a little stricter with myself with the big picture in mind, if you know what I mean. Any help/input on that accepted. Bit torn. For context, the idea is two/three fold.. 1, Raising the tier will automatically put the security of all the older files and new, up a little notch, 2, It will help raise funds for new stuff, 3, I can then put older AND more exclusive files on the 70`s and 80`s page, which can then be replaced by brand new files. Ad Infinitum. In theory, everybody wins. And this way I can put more files on the page without you guys having to mail in for the links ! If it all stays secure..
That`s kinda the plan. If all works out and nothing leaks (downside of plan tbh) I`ll carry on putting the more rare and exclusive stuff for everyone on the 70`s & 80`s page, but guys, for me to do this, each and everyone of you to a man/woman, has to meet me halfway, and not leak the goods. At all. You already know I`ll change things if it goes south, so it`s in your best interest dear mates, to do your bit. Please.
Going to try this out with a handful of files which have already been added to the 70`s n 80`s page, so those of you asking for these packs, here you are.. a quick upgrade for the month and they`re yours.
packs added:
Ariana Grande – Be Alright (Multitrack)(57 Mono & Stereo Tracks)(48k-16bit)
Edwin Starr – War (Multitrack V2)(Complete)(16 Mono Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Pet Shop Boys – Heart (Multitrack)(30 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Pet Shop Boys – Heart (Kick Drum Track)(Cover)(48k-32bit)
Pussycat Dolls – When I Grow Up (7 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Sylvester – Over And Over (Re-Record)(Multitrack)(22 Mono Tracks)(Missing Drums)(44.1k-16bit)
Herbie Hancock – Rock It (Multitrack)(13 Tracks)
and I`m finally letting go of this little trouble causer ! Ms P!nk.. and I promise you, the full multi sounds amazing.. one of the best. (btw, All teachers & the .edu guys amongst the group, this pack would be ideal for lessons):
P!nk – U & Your Hand (Multitrack)(26 Track)(44.1k-24bit)
So there`s plenty there I think.
The good news is as this is just a quick monthly fundraiser, if you upgrade for the above this month, you can always knock the sub back down to mid tier right away for next month.. or stay Top Tier. Either way, nothing will be held against anybody, for switching up and/or down..I know how things are..
In other news the current influx of new traders and little old me doing cheeky deals with the sites files and moolah here and there has been erm, interesting, and sometimes quite fun tbh, but boy, its a timesink.. if there`s quiet periods on the site, well, now you know why. Wheelin and dealin takes time.. lots of it.. hence, why I dont do it, but there`s some really nice guys around right now with good heads on their shoulders, so I`m rolling with it.. just thought I`d let ya`ll know
This month hopefully more of the same site wide (keep checking the pages at the top of the site) and maybe I`ll actually get stuck into the acapellas I said I`d do last month ! Got a bit side tracked doing the multis on the ALL A-Z page.. go see if you havent already.. I`ll give you all a few days then all the new stuff is getting filed away, nice and tidy ! haha.. and that includes the rest of the pages that have had stuff added. From now on, first few days of the month, will be tidy days. Note to self. So do make sure to grab the new stuff soon from the pages while its easy to find.
Please keep expressing interest on future releases/buys via main page posts as well when they appear.. happy to say you guys generally get what is going on, but I think we`re confusing a few on the outside ! ah well.. what can ya do? Might have made a bit of a slip up one one particular pack, but still learning a new tack, so something to learn from, but hopefully remedied one day.. apologies for being cryptic.
Other than that, It`s all go.. top tier guys, you can now request your package for the month after visiting the Protools page..
One last thing, over the last week or so I`ve been in talks with someone who has offered help with taking the site offline, and doing things completely 100% behind closed doors. In a nutshell, it could be done almost immediately if I give the shout to flick the switch. Things would be exactly the same, we would just not be visible on the web and via search engines ect.. thought you guys should know we`re future-proofed if things get heavy at any point
Thanks once again to each and all for the support, been some great votes of confidence and thanks coming in via the mails recently, so a special thanks to all those this month being nice to me with the support and stuff.. been good to read some genuine heartfelt comments.. I do appreciate..
Stay well mates
Hey guys,
Lots to go through here so this is your early warning to go grab a cuppa or something.
It`s not that we have a problem, but recent events have given me an insight on how we can do things round here a little better. By sort of putting some ideas into the ruleset now tbh, as well.
Because I`m no admin dude, I`m falling just a tad behind on the mails recently as well.. so apologies on that, for starters.
I do my best to do all the mail in best time, but the recent surge in mail has actually given me a great idea.. So with the “mail in for info” posts we are going to take a new approach. I will explain.
As there may be more of these posts, I`d like you guys to do as you have been doing which is keep letting me know if you are interested in certain packs. Like EVERYBODY. (If poss). Believe it or not, this is how (in a way) trading at the higher level of the game goes, so its good practise. “Only gets what you really really want”. Really.
Now I know this is a good way (from experience) of working when it comes to rare multis, (not rocket science luckily) so I`m hoping to pass a little bit of this info on to you to think through. The days of hoarding may well be over.. and anyway, you got all those new content filled pages for that uh ? lol. (Hi Hugh).
Before I digress, the “mail in” posts. Pretty sure they are staying. With them, I can judge much easier, whether the buy group has any interest in a certain files, even before it has been purchased. I never thought to do this. The first buy group I kinda hope knows whats going on, because I`ve had chance to explain it to most of them, or they`ve worked things out, (hopefully), but the majority of you guys, the mid tier, I`m thinking all this may be a bit confusing.
So more explanation. I was actually in the process of starting to mail out to the long term members (3 months and over) about how you can obtain these “mystery” files, but I think its going to be waaaay easier to do it here and in one go.
To explain in a roundabout way, I`m thinking its time we started up the second buy group. I was going to mail everyone who is a long term supporter, but much much easier and quicker this way ! So if you joined us before August 2020 and you want to upgrade, which automatically enrolls you in the second buy group and gives you access to the Protools page, you can. Like many of you are now doing, I dont mind at all anwering any questions you might have, so, do drop me a mail if this is something you would maybe consider.. obvs, I cant put too many deets here you know?
Digressed.. that was supposed to be coming later. Anyway. There`s more:
Top Tier Buy Group Guys: If you see a “mail in” post on the main page, if we have it, you can have it, but it counts as a file for that months allocation. That includes any pack that may be “incomplete”, as well as the good stuff. If we dont have the file, and it`s on the “maybe” purchase list, please still vote for the file. When there`s 2 or 3 votes, we will make moves to secure the file. You`ll know by the usual means when the file has been secured.
Brand new Top Tier Guys: If you joined/upgraded recently and you are not involved with the initial purchase group, you are automatically enrolled into the second purchase group. Please get in touch.
Mid Tier Guys: If you see a “mail in” post on the main page, if we have it, you probably cant have it, yet. This will be a file the IPG bought. As mentioned above, if you joined the site before August, you can upgrade and join the buy group. Then you can access the file. If we dont have the file, (I know you dont know this), please still show interest in it because your vote will still count. And it will help the whole collective from buying the wrong stuff nobody wants. Even if you are a newbie mid tier guy with less than 3 months with us, please still vote. And you know, your time will come.
The downside of all this is I may not be able to respond to all the mails, so again, apologies, but the plan is to make a folder for each song I notify you guys about, and place all the mails in there, till either a, we get the file, or b, it becomes ready to issue on the 2nd of the month.. I think we have the M/O pretty much nailed now with the first buy group (thanks guys especially) so we should be all good on group 2 and the way of voting for the actual purchases. Not all purchases will be posted on the main page while we trial this out.btw. Keep checking the ProTools page for news on new stuff.
Oops, I almost forgot. The rare files page has finally been updated/revamped and thoroughly been sorted out with complete rules and regs and less winging it. If you joined the site before August 2020 and you are NOT in the Initial Purchase group, there is a bonus file from a choice of 10 waiting for you right now.. just a little thanks from me to you for hanging around all this time ! go see.. hit the R.F.P (Page). There`s even a few files on there for the newbies too. Here`s this months password for things, you might need it: CRS3PT2020PW
Thats about it for the news this time, hope everyone gets the idea and is ok with it. Yet more trial and error work in progress crap.. sorry lol..
Might be a great idea tho, so we have to chance it !
Progress. ha.
Stay safe guys
Mid Monthly Newsletter
Hey Guys,
These days are flyin` uh?
Once again a big hello to the newbies and again my thanks for the continued support from you all.
Hoping you guys are liking the slight changes as to how we are doing things in regards to the style of posting on the main page. We now have a video plug in working well-ish.. so thats a keeper, and I hope you are enjoying the more “bloggy” posts too.
You might also have seen a couple of posts on the main page with a note to “mail in for more info” on them? Gonna take a little time to explain in more detail what these are to avoid any confusion. Or probably make more in reality lol. Some “info” posts will be posted as a “heads up” for the top tier guys, but mainly for the majority of you guys on the mid tier, this is also a way I can judge interest on a certain file before a release. And it`s popularity, or the lack of ! So a rough popularity contest in a way..kinda. So, (for now until I find a better way of doing this) this is how this will work: everytime you register interest in a file it will get logged along with all other requests for the pack, and when a release date is decided, you will be informed directly. In a nutshell. This is going to tie in with the “less live download links” thing from the last news fyi, which currently I see as an important thing we have to persue. Especially with the rarer files.
Feel free to log interest in as many files as you want, because the proposed release dates will differ, though they will probably be sometime early on in the month.
This might seem a confusing way of doing things, at first, but if you think it through, this way only the people really wanting a pack will mail in, which is how it seems to be working thanks to the small trial I`ve been running. Which is great. Proof of concept right there It will also help keep the file much much rarer, which is always nice. And there`s no links on the site, which is the main winner.
You also need to know that these files will be a major part rare files page/idea at some point, and you also need to know that these rare files will have an allocation attached, even so, it is STRONGLY ADVISED to show your interest on a pack by all means, but please dont plan to hoard, because the RFP wont be working like that.
I hope you can all work out from that roughly how the “posts with no download links” are going to work and what they`re about! Thought it best to give you all an idea how this will be before I get to posting more “info” posts.. there may be quite a few coming ! Hopefully you`re now getting used to an ever evolving site lol.. no point stopping now !
Dont forget, the inbox is always open
Have a great rest of the month, and already looking forward to the next one.
Hope you are too.
Stay safe