Category Archives: Remix Competition
TLC – No Scrubs (Multitrack/Stems)(20 Minute Remix Challenge)
Here`s James Hype remixing TLC`s “No Scrubs” in 20 minutes !
After sleeping on this, decided to give this post a little more TLC..
OK, so when I first saw this video, I must admit I thought it was pretty much an impossible task.. starting a remix from scratch to completion in 20 mins. Seems I was wrong. Very much so. And after checking how many hits this video got overnight.. it doubled from 20k to 40k+ views, I reckon we (we, as in the remix community) could have just a little more fun with this concept, which someone may have come across, very much by accident. Deffo something we can get our teeth into a bit more methinks.
And if you are unaware, ClubRemixer is not exactly afraid of jumping on any current/possible new bandwagon, especially where there`s some prospective fun involved. What I would like to jovially endorse is that we embrace the “20 Minute remix” with open arms, as a community, and ride that hype train !
Firstly, I would encourage Kiss FM (who helped bring this all together) to do a series of “20 minute remix challenges”. I mean, who would not like to see that? More of the same please. Numbers are good, the format is brilliant, and who would not like to see their favourite producer get down and dirty in the studio, under a little pressure? I`m eagerly awaiting already. Not going to mention any names I`d like to see, because there`s actually loads, but David Guetta, I could slightly be looking in your direction, as he did something similar for DJ Mag a while ago:
1, Make a remix similar in length and track count and creativity as seen in the James Hype video. The remix must include a decent chunk of the chosen acapella, new drum tracks, the obligatory synth lead (bonus points for being super catchy), and a bassline. More extra points given for whatever Piano/Strings/Synth lines/Arpeggiators time permits. No need for FX. We`ll let you off on that one.
2, You HAVE to make an online spinning wheel up which will randomly decide which acapella is to be used for the remix. The pella selection has to be filmed “live”. For the suspense mainly.
3, The clock starts when the acapella hits the sequencer, and there must be a countdown clock somewhere in your recording.
4, The teaboys/engineers/backroom staff/friends, and the usual studio monkeys, get to choose the acapellas to be randomly chosen on the spinning “wheel of doom”. 10 acapellas should do it, but please make sure the pellas are in the producers collection, beforehand. Ultimate bonus points given if this is “all a bit of a surprise” to the producer.
5, No cheating with pre prepped stuff.
6, Publish your “20 Minute Remix Challenge” video on YouTube, with an appropriate thumbnail, and send the link in to ClubRemixer HQ, so we can post your efforts on our front page too.. for which you will receive the very, very coveted “plug of the week” award.
Inspired?? Feel like making your own remix of No Scrubs?
here`s some bits and bobs:
TLC – No Scrubs [FF] (5 Stems)(48k-16bit) flac
TLC – No Scrubs (MTM)(6 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) flac
TLC – No Scrubs (Without Rap)(6 Stems)(48k-16bit)
TLC – No Scrubs (Multitrack)(22 Mono & Stereo Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
TLC – No Scrubs (Remixers Pack)(2025) Nitro here
coming soon.. the 20 minute CR Mash Up Challenge
You May Also Like:
James Hype – Lose Control (Sample Pack)(44.1k-16bit) AiFF Nitro here
Alesso & John Alto – Lonely Heart (9 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
The King of the “Drop”, Alesso, has some new material about to.. drop.. so here`s a lil “plug of the week” for him. Always good to see some new stuff from Alesso, and one of his new tracks has been made into a remix contest, which you may enter should you wish to do so.
And as ever, no surprises Lonely Heart is another “mid set festival stomper” and definitely no prizes for guessing which track was the inspiration for it either.
Yes, you guessed right ! of course it was “Yes – Owner Of A Lonely Heart”.
Now, I`m not suggesting it`s a good idea to use bits and pieces from the OG Yes multitrack if your entering the remix competition, but I`ll link up the pack anyway for “educational purposes”.
Alesso & John Alto – Lonely Heart (9 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) Nitro here
Yes – Owner Of A Lonely Heart (Multitrack)(28 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit) Nitro here
Kacey Musgraves – High Horse (ProTools Session & Stems)[Remix Competition]
Ever since Beyonce got with the “cowgirl” vibe, Ive been expecting the dance music dj`s & remixers et al, to come up with their own hybrid of Country Music and Disco, with some House and Dance beats and soaring synths and stuff, maybe a piano bit in there somewhere, you know? The formula for, and a good enough excuse for a few cheesy hit singles. But up until now (unless I missed the memo-v.possible), there`s not really been much at all to write home about in the “Country House” genre. Genre lol. Did I just invent a genre..? Like the idea
Anyway, not joking, I`ve been keeping an ear out for something roughly as described above for a while.. its a no-brainer.. even thought about putting the idea down via a mash up. Until now.
Because, I seem to have accidentally dicovered Kacey Musgraves “High Horse”. A tune with message is an understatement.
Ok, so, not saying this track did a Katy Perry or anything.. it did quite well, actually reaching number 8 in Belgium, and just scraped the top 40 in the US when it was first released in 2018. Yes, this track is a little old, but with the new “ClubRemixer plug of the week award” in the bag, you`d at least hope someone takes note and gets busy with the promo. Again.
The name Kacey Musgraves may be familiar to some, not to me I`ll admit, but after coming across a few stems packs of her work, there was a standout (for me) track in there, which, wouldnt sound out of date if you heard it on the radio tommorow.
And there`s some remixes that are already done and available for the clubs, and the video is already made. Job nearly done.
High Horse just needs adding to the Spotify/You Tube heavy rotation merry go round and off it will trot up the charts once again.. maybe. Stranger things have happened. Or lets hope High Horse gathers some pace and ends up in a movie. Murder on the Dancefloor got a helluva second breath recently as you may have noticed, so why not.
Kacey Musgraves – High Horse (KUE Remix)
Furthermore, there`s heaps of room for some new remixes because if you Google “Kacey Musgraves High Horse Remix” you`ll be amazed to find there`s only 2 ! Three, if you count the weird one with the horse on the thumbnail. Luckily both the Kue remix & the Violents remix are really good. The Kue one is the standard format all clubbers are cool with, and the Violents remix leads with some seriously symphonic strings and things. But ! that still leaves plenty of room to grab yourself a listing of page 1 of Google with your remix. All you have to do is make one as good as the two already mentioned here and you`ll be up there. Big task, but you can do it.
Which, kinda gave me an idea. We haven`t had one for a while, so why not make this a new “unofficial remix competition” ?!?!
Soooo, when your remix is completed, please send it to Kacey Musgraves via the usual means. Whatever they may be..
have fun !
Kacey Musgraves – High Horse (ProTools Session & Stems) Nitro here
Kacey Musgraves – High Horse (Violents Remix)
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Kasey Musgraves – Multitrack Masterpost
Butterflies_for mix Nitro here
Can’t Help Falling In Love Kacey Nitro here
Copy of Can’t Help Falling 3.2 for JB Nitro here
Golden Hour live stems Nitro here
Golden Hour_final mix session Nitro here
Golden Hour_mix prep Nitro here
Happy And Sad_final mix session Nitro here
High Horse_mix prep Nitro here
Lonely Weekend_mix prep Nitro here
Love Is A Wild Thing_mix prep Nitro here
Oh What A World_mix prep Nitro here
Slow Burn_for mix Nitro here
Space Cowboy_for mix Nitro here
Velvet Elvis_for mix Nitro here
Wonder Woman_final mix session Nitro here
You May Also Like:
Dua Lipa – Illusion (27 Remix Competition Stems)(48k-24bit)
Pink Pantheress – Another Life (Unofficial Remix Competition)
Danny Ocean – Cero Condiciones (Unofficial Remix Competition)
The Blessed Madonna ft. Clementine Douglas – Happier (Unofficial Remix Competition)
Galantis, David Guetta & 5 Seconds of Summer – Lighter (22 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)(Remix Competition ?)
Bl3ss x CamrinWatsin ft. bbyclose – Kisses (14 Stems & Midi)
Current remix competition going on for this track, but there`s not long left to get a remix in. About a week or so left. Which, is a shame because a week isnt a long time in remix land. But anyway, some notice is better than none I guess. The tune in question is already doing quite well “on the scene”, but you can never have to many remixes can you?
The track is another Organ House stomper but much more on the credible/undergound/clubby side of things. Basically the polar opposite of the Slayyter tune posted below.
Bl3ss x CamrinWatsin ft. bbyclose – Kisses (14 Stems & Midi) Nitro here
and for even more context, here`s a remix from Badger in a more speed garagey/bassliney style to check out too:
Dua Lipa – Illusion (27 Remix Competition Stems)(48k-24bit)
So there`s a new remix competition that`s just been launched to talk about, and as remix comps go, this ones quite a biggie ! In fact, probably he biggest one ever to hit the net full stop. Period.
Enough with the hype already, ok, there`s maybe a tad more on the incoming, but this new comp is from an artist, that just about anyone who listens to music (recently) will be aware of. None other than one of our favourite featured artists on ClubRemixer, Dua Lipa herself has decided to put the stems out for “Illusion” so everyone can have a go at remixing the song themselves. And there`s prizes ! and they are good ones !
The remix contest is currently open and up and running until September 17th 2024, so there is plenty of time to get a decent/unrushed mix in.. so what are you waiting for? Time to get your groove on people..
If you wish to enter the contest officially, head over to Skio and grab the stems there. Unfortunately, unless you are a subscriber to Skio, you will only be able to download 3 of the 27 stems, but subbing to them only costs 10 bucks or so, and as everybody knows, 10 bucks for a stem set is pretty cheap. 800 meg file, you`re quids in. Bargain of the century. There are some other sites that used to charge that amount just to keep the lights on and host 4TB of stuff for the same amount of cash, but lets not go there. That being said, I do find the idea Skio has come up with that lets you get 3 stems for free and then the 27 track stem set is for subscribers only kinda interesting. We will have to see how that pricing model pans out there and elsewhere.
You can of course download the stems we make as a back up from contests like this via the Nitro link provided, or you can simply download from the link on the internet someone put up within 5 minutes of the contest opening if you can find it, but it is advised that you go to the original source to purchase the stems, especially if you want to enter the contest officially AND keep the lights on over at Skio, who do deserve the support for bringing these stems to you.
Otherwise feel free to download from the links below.
Good luck everyone.
Dua Lipa – Illusion (3 Stems)(48k-24bit) Nitro here
Dua Lipa – Illusion (27 Stems)(48k-24bit) Nitro here
Dua Lipa – Illusion (27 Stems)(48k-24bit) Google Drive here
You May Also Like:
Dua Lipa Multitracks
Dua Lipa – Swan Song (5 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Dua Lipa – Love Again (6 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Dua Lipa – Levitating (27 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac
Dua Lipa – Boys Will Be Boys (9 Stems)(48k-16bit)
Dua Lipa – Training Season (14 AI Stems) MP3-320k
Dua Lipa – Physical (20 Mastered Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
Miley Cyrus ft. Dua Lipa – Prisoner (31 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Dua Lipa – Training Season (Acapella & Instrumental)(44.1k-24bit) flac
Dua Lipa & Blackpink – Kiss and Make Up (64 Official Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Dua Lipa – Don’t Start Now (Re-Created RB4 Stems) (5 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac
Elton John ft. Dua Lipa – Cold Heart (PNAU Remix)(RB4)(5 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) flac
For more information on how to join the site as a new or returning member, please click here
Major Lazer ft. MØ & DJ Snake – Lean On (12 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Been a fair few people over the years wanting this stem set, and now there`s an official remix contest for the song out there, so happy days. Check out all the competition info on Skio here, and grab the stems to get a remix going, and enter, or there`s the Nitro link below you can use to just access the stems.
Major Lazer ft. MØ & DJ Snake – Lean On (12 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Nitro here
You May Also Like:
Major Lazer – Multitrack Masterpost
Pink Pantheress – Another Life (Unofficial Remix Competition)
Danny Ocean – Cero Condiciones (Unofficial Remix Competition)
The Blessed Madonna ft. Clementine Douglas – Happier (Unofficial Remix Competition)
Galantis, David Guetta & 5 Seconds of Summer – Lighter (22 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)(Remix Competition ?)
For more information on how to join the site as a new or returning member, please click here
Galantis, David Guetta & 5 Seconds of Summer – Lighter (22 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)(Remix Competition ?)
Recently, yours truly was contemplating having a little moan about the severe lack of “big name” remix competitions happening/not happening in 2024.. luckily, one refrained.. because now, three very well known artists in their own right, have recently put together a banger of a tune, and released some stems.
The 3 artists in question: Galantis, David Guetta & 5 Seconds of Summer, have combined their talents on a new track called “Lighter”. which, is very good. And you get to remix it. Officially, it seems.
Because, as remix competitions go, this is an odd one. Its almost as if someone, in exchange for a follow or two, wants people to simply have some stems to do whatever with, but with an added ticking clock, that halts downloads at a limit of, wait for it.. 10k. It was around 650ish when I saw the link. fyi.
Also, I could not see any prizes listed or end dates to get mixes in by, what any “winners” might get, or much of anything tbqh when I actually got on the main contest page.. which Ive now lost the link for and cant find again. grrr. , so, its out there, but you`ll have to go Google. Been that sort of a morning..
Fortunately, I did manage to grab the stems ! will add the contest page link as soon as it is relocated.
Galantis, David Guetta & 5 Seconds of Summer – Lighter (22 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Nitro here
You May Also Like:
Pink Pantheress – Another Life (Unofficial Remix Competition)
The Blessed Madonna ft. Clementine Douglas – Happier (Unofficial Remix Competition)
For more information on how to join the site as a new or returning member, please click here
Pink Pantheress – Another Life (42 Stems)(48k-24bit)(Unofficial Remix Competition)
Ive a feeling the unofficial remix competitions are going to become a thing on CR..
Here comes another one..
The second track to feature as one of our “unofficial remix competitions” is one by Pink Pantheress, with a solid club tune called “Another Life” featuring Rena. The song itself runs at a fair old whack in the the BPM`s keeping true to the current resurgence of “break-beaty”[tm] infused tracks that are heavily rotating around the U.K`s club scene at the mo.
In the remixers pack youll find 42 stems to play with and some dry vocals to boot. Seems that the stem set was posted by the artist on her discord, but alas once again, sad face time, no remix competition for it. Which, is a shame.
So, being happy to be of service, we can do one on their behalf. I`m sure its just what was wanted anyway. If you wish to enter this “contest”, please download the stems, finish your remix and send to Pink Pantheress by the 25th of April 2024, by any means you can find, but probably best to try the discord.
btw people, if you come across some stems from one of your favourite artists, and you think the song would benefit from a few unofficial remixes from the CR crew, do send them in. Same goes for any producer/remixer/label who wants a free plug (of the week).
Pink Pantheress – Another Life (42 Stems)(48k-24bit) Nitro here
WeTransfer (7 Days Only) here
Nearly forgot. The first unnofficial remix comp we started up is fast approaching the deadline! 10 days or so to go. Check out The Blessed Madonna ft. Clementine Douglas – Happier (Unofficial Remix Competition)
For more information on how to join the site as a new or returning member, please click here
The Blessed Madonna ft. Clementine Douglas – Happier (11 Stems)(96k-24bit)
Originally thought this was from a remix competition when I came across it, but seems that is not the case, cos I checked. Which is a pity because it would make a really good remix competition thing. Solid tune, with great vocals, and plenty of synth parts to loop up, all inside a track that would adapt nicely to ANY form of dance music “genre” you could choose to remix it into.
And unfortunately, there`s no remix competition for this.
Until Now !!
May we present to you the “The Blessed Madonna ft. Clementine Douglas – Happier Unofficial Remix Competition”
All entries are to be sent to the Blessed Madonna by the 25th of March 2024.
Have fun and good luck. Not entirely sure what the prizes are, but there might be some.
Probabaly software, youll never use, but hey..
The Blessed Madonna ft. Clementine Douglas – Happier (11 Stems)(96k-24bit) Nitro here WeTransfer (7 Days Only) here
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Becky Hill – Shades Of Love (The Blessed Madonna cover) BBC Live Lounge
For more information on how to join the site as a new or returning member, please click here
Cedric Gervais & Joel Corry – Molly – Remix Competition (22 Stems)(WAV)
Just discovered there`s a new remix contest underway for the Cedric Gervais & Joel Corry track “Molly” via our pals over there at Spinnin Records.. And there`s nearly a month left to get any mixes in too
You can of course grab the stems and get some more info on how to enter the contest, what the prizes are, that sort of thing, over on the Spinnin website here
or download just the stems here:
Cedric Gervais & Joel Corry – Molly (Extended Mix) (22 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
You May Also Like:
Joel Corry & MNEK – Head & Heart (AI Stems Pack) MP3-flac
Charlie Puth – Light Switch – Remix Competition (32 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Tiësto & Ava Max – The Motto – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Clean Bandit – Everything But You – Remix Competition (40 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
The Chainsmokers and Ship Wrek – The Fall – Remix Competition (35 Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
Wheatus – Teenage Dirtbag VS Frawley – Hard Boy (Stems Mash Up Pack)
Just found a couple of tracks that sound quite similar to each other.. and you know what that means.. another impromptu Mash Up Competition !
And the really good news here is that as far as I can see, nobody has mashed these two together as yet.
Wheatus – Teenage Dirtbag (RB) (5 Stems)(48k-16bit) flac Mega here Nitro here
Frawley – Hard Boy (20 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) flac Mega here Nitro here
Added to the RB page (Mega) here
You May Also Like The Other Previous Mash Up Competitions:
Nelly – Hot In Herre (Multitrack)(14 Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Ol Dirty Bastard – Got Your Money (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-16bit)
Hall & Oates – I Can’t Go For That (Stems) VS De La Soul – Say No Go (Multitrack) CR Multitrack Mash Up/Remix Competition
Time for another quick impromptu Mash Up competition ! These two have probably already been mashed together by now as both packs involved have been circulating a while, but in the spirit of things, Im not gonna check. Must admit yours truly should have been spotted the obvious pairing sooner. Always the obvious ones..
Either way..
Hall & Oates – I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do) (48k-24bit) (HQRB) Mega here Nitro soon
De La Soul – Say No Go (Multitrack+ProTools Session)(24 Mono Tracks)(96k-24bit) Mega here Nitro soon
You May Also Like The Other Previous Mash Up Competitions:
Nelly – Hot In Herre (Multitrack)(14 Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Ol Dirty Bastard – Got Your Money (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-16bit)
Max Martin – Red Lights (14 Remix Parts)(48k-24bit)
You may recognise the name Max Martin, a songwriter/producer, (if you read credits & this sort of stuff interests you) from his 22 number-one hits in the U.S. A guy from Sweden who is only just behind Lennon/McCartney & George Martin when it comes to numbers, obvs a man with an eye for creating countless hit records, & who has worked with a multitude of artists on a plethora of songs, including, but not limited to: Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Usher, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry, Christina Aguilera, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, The Weeknd, Coldplay. To name but a few.
And he`s younger than me.
To be fair, it may be better to just send you guys over to the MM wiki page here, for all the Max deets, or this post could get long. (its worth a read thru).
Anyways, before I get too carried away and even more jealous of the fella`s astronomical career, the point of the post (lol) was to drop a little heads up that the Simon Cowell/Universal led “Stem Drop” project on Tik Tok has now launched, (you may remember the CR “plug of the week” here), with the Max Martin “Red Lights” track`s remix parts/stems all uploaded & ready to go & be remixed by your good selves. Go check that out on Tik Tok here to see whats going on and the grab the files from the source, and get remixing, if you want to ofc..
Or grab the files below:
Max Martin – Red Lights (14 Remix Parts)(48k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
You May Also Like To Check Out Some Of The Arists & Songs Max Martin Has Produced:
Britney Spears Multitrack Masterpost
Katy Perry – Multitrack Masterpost
Maroon 5 – Multitrack Masterpost
Taylor Swift – Multitrack Masterpost
Taylor Swift – Shake It Off (30 Stems)(48k-16bit)
Backstreet Boys – Straight Through My Heart (23 Mono Vocal Stems)(48k-24bit)
The Weeknd – Multitrack Masterpost
P!nk Multitracks Masterpost
Ariana Grande – Multitrack Masterpost (Additions)
Coldplay – Stems Masterpost
Stem Drop – Simon Cowell & Tik Tok & Universal (New Talent “Show”) (News)
Everything Everything – Pizza Boy (19 Stems)(48k-24bit)
New remix competition via Soundcloud..
Everything Everything – Pizza Boy (19 Stems)(48k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
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September 2022 Remix Competiton Pack
The Chainsmokers and Ship Wrek – The Fall – Remix Competition (35 Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
Distant Matter – Four Leaf Clover – Remix Competition (61 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
ARTY – Save Me Tonight – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Tiësto & Ava Max – The Motto – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Clean Bandit – Everything But You – Remix Competition (40 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Charlie Puth – Light Switch – Remix Competition (32 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Le Youth ft. Gordi – Hang On – Remix Competition (10 Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
September 2022 Remix Competiton Pack
Quite a few new remix competitions to dive into this month too.. Dont forget to Google for more info if you find a song you like and want to officially enter..
Most of these have about a month or so left to run.
Anni – Sinner (4 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Arkells ft. Cœur de pirate, Aly & AJ – Dance With You (9 Stems)(48k-24bit)
biskuwi – Veil (RemixPack)
Fatum ft. Mars Atlas – Angels Cry (RemixPack)
GhostDragon – The Heat
ill.Gates ft. Mayor Apeshit – 6 Feet Deep (21 Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
Jonas Saalbach – Transformation (RemixPack)
Koltbach – Eos (10 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Luna Semara – Praise (21 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Serkan Demirel ft. Betül Damla – Our Love (32 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Shadowkey & Oliver Ryon – Never Enough (5 Vocal Stems)(48k-24bit)
September 2022 Remix Competiton Pack Mega here Nitro here
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August 2022 Remix Competiton Pack
July 2022 Remix Competiton Pack
August 2022 Remix Competiton Pack
Some new remix competitions to dive into guys if this is your thing.. Spose its best to just Google for more info if you find a song you like and want to officially enter..
Most of these have about a month or so left to run.
About That ft. Evalina – Who Let The Dogs Out (24 Stems) (44.1k-24bit)
AmyElle & Shania – Let Me In (Extended Mix) (10 Stems) (44.1k-24bit) WAV AIFF
Andy Duguid ft. Leah – Don’t Belong (7 Stems) (44.1k-16bit)
Fight The Fade – Monster (22 Stems) (48k-32bit)
Kebu – Clear Skies (9 Stems & Midi) (44.1k-24bit)
Mission One ft Raym – Lost Souls (Acapella & Midi)
Roxolana – Говори (5 Stems) (48k-24bit)
Spiritchaser – These Tears (9 Stems) (48k-24bit)
Added to the ALL A-Z page here Nitro here
Late Additions:
Joyce Muniz ft. Demetrius – Whats Your Name (19 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Krewella – Drive Away (6 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Laylae – TechnoIndustria (13 Remix Parts)(44.1k-24bit)
Makiavelik, Mc Erikah, DFARIAS – Só Deboche (3 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Added to the ALL A-Z page here Nitro here
Mark Krupp – Talk to me 2night (Remix Pack) Mega here Nitro here
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July 2022 Remix Competiton Pack
Hoping to make at least an early monthly post on the site for all the new remix competitions going forward, because they all seem to release at the back end of a month and run for a 30-40 day period or so, so can easily work round that if that stays the case.
This month already there has been more than a good handful, and all below are worth a look at the very least. All good tunes in there. If you decide to enter any of these.. Google is your friend.
All these are open to entries till at least the start of August 2022.
Anna Clendening – Girls Like You (30 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Autograf ft. Tiina – Love Runs Deep (6 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Celldweller – Into The Void (22 Remix Parts & Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
DVRKO, Mike Taylor and DJ Bizzy – Levels (35 Stems)(48k-32bit)
Medii & Exede – Red Light (28 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Öwnboss x Sevek – Move Your Body (37 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Sparkee – Feel Alive (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
July 2022 Remix Competiton Pack Mega here Nitro here
Late Addition:
Varski & Abi Flynn – Hypnotic (15 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
The Chainsmokers and Ship Wrek – The Fall – Remix Competition (35 Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
The heavyweight big name remix competitions do seem to be still coming. Awesome sauce.
This time you get to remix and hopefully win loads of great prizes from The Chainsmokers and Ship Wrek with the new track “The Fall”. From the new album which I`d guess is either out now or it will be soon.
Really liking the track actually, so yet another one to add to that ever growing list of “remixes to do” ! Saying that, with a 40 day window to get any mixes finished and entered, its quite doable.
So the tune itself is as solid as they come, as you will have maybe heard by now, and with 35 stems of separation, the song now opens itself up for a multitude of mixes in differing styles and genres. So go nuts. You can enter the competition and download the stems and get all the info you`ll need and that type of thing here.
The Chainsmokers and Ship Wrek – The Fall (35 Stems)(44.1k-32bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
You May Also Like:
The Chainsmokers – Multitrack Masterpost
Distant Matter – Four Leaf Clover – Remix Competition (61 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
ARTY – Save Me Tonight – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Tiësto & Ava Max – The Motto – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Clean Bandit – Everything But You – Remix Competition (40 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Charlie Puth – Light Switch – Remix Competition (32 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Le Youth ft. Gordi – Hang On – Remix Competition (10 Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
Distant Matter – Four Leaf Clover – Remix Competition (61 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
There`s been some pretty decent remix competitions coming along of late, and happy to report, here`s another one.
Hopefully, this train will keep a rolling a while longer as folk realise releasing stems from brand new songs out into the wild is not exactly a bad thing, or even harmful (to a songs progress), as some may have previously thought. Even one of the tracks from a recent remix comp has ended up in the UK charts, Tiesto & Ava Max, Number 12 to be exact so that proves it ! Everyone got paid, stems still out in the wild for fans and DJ`s to play with,
Best leave that there I think.
So, to the track in question here. Deffo an interesting one that may take a couple of listens imo. (one of those). Usually a good sign of a bit of depth. And its got a piano in, so we`re all good so far. 61 stems with dry vocals included gets top marks in the “more bits to muck about with” category, and there`s a 45 day competition running time, which is nice to see and probably really appreciated as now remixers might be able to live with any mixes a while longer, and get an extra 2 weeks to get that polish & mastering spot on.
All in all, a nicely solid remix comp here ticking all the boxes. So no excuse now not to get a remix going and over to the guys at Skio and try your luck, you never know. You might win.
Just watch out for that limit on entries “thing” (for want of a better word), which is set at 350 entries only. (eek)
Grab the stems, and check out the rules, and all that official type of stuff here.
Distant Matter – Four Leaf Clover (61 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
You May Also Like:
ARTY – Save Me Tonight – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Tiësto & Ava Max – The Motto – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Clean Bandit – Everything But You – Remix Competition (40 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Charlie Puth – Light Switch – Remix Competition (32 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Le Youth ft. Gordi – Hang On – Remix Competition (10 Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
ARTY – Save Me Tonight (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Really want to enter this, but still havent finished the Clean Bandit one yet. (Version 2 on the way). Time not on the right side of things lately, & having a website to run these days and all.
Speaking of time, does everybody think 30 days is enough for a remix competition duration, or am I just getting old(er)? And greyer this month actually, just for the record. By the time I (or anyone who is not following a certain artist say) finds out about a remix comp, its usually underway & half the time is gone. And its not as tho one doesnt keep an eye out. Ah well, tis what it is. Wish there was a “full on promo blast” that turns up in everybodys feeds for a week or two beforehand so people might actually notice. Might be an idea for any new competitions instead of just going boom, heres a remix comp? Just sayin.(Inbox is always open too guys).
Anyways, off the soapbox for a bit now
As you might have guessed, there`s a new remix competition to get stuck into (if you like that sort of thing).
This time brought to you via Armada, and for the first time featuring here on the site, is ARTY.
Why do I think it wont be the last time ?
Plenty of time (???) to get any remixes made of this “piano house stomper”, and over to Armada as the “deadline for entries” date is roughly 25 days from now as “Entries close June 19, 2022 23:59 Amsterdam” [Quote]
You can of course download the stems from the official remix comp page here, by logging into Facebook, Liking 3 Spotify things, and then visiting ARTY`s Instagram page. Then you need to upload a picure to Insta, with you, and both great-grandparents out clubbing. With Glo sticks.
Or, download here:
ARTY – Save Me Tonight (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
You May Also Like:
Tiësto & Ava Max – The Motto – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Clean Bandit – Everything But You – Remix Competition (40 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Charlie Puth – Light Switch – Remix Competition (32 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Le Youth ft. Gordi – Hang On – Remix Competition (10 Stems)(44.1k-32bit)
Clean Bandit – Everything But You (40 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Great to see Clean Bandit come out and play with a new remix competition for the new single “Everything But You”.
Which is very nice.. and you can buy/listen here
You can download the stems (and enter the remix competition) via Clean Bandits Soundcloud, after logging in to your SC account here
Clean Bandit – Everything But You (40 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the main Clean Bandit Masterpost (Mega) here
Got to be a bit quick on the mix once again guys.. you have till the 20th of April to get your remix in.
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Clean Bandit ft. Marina & Luis Fonsi – Baby (ProTools Session)
Clean Bandit Ft. Kesha – Tick Tock Tik Tok (Mash Up)
Clean Bandit (and Dario G feat Jess Glynne) Real Love x Sunchyme (VIP Mash Up)(44.1k-16bit)
Clean Bandit Multitrack Masterpost
Clean Bandit – Rockabye (Multitrack)(86 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Tiësto & Ava Max – The Motto – Remix Competition (9 Stems)(48k-24bit)
If fear I may have made a rod for my own back with this “plugging well known artists`s remix competitions” thing, but we will persist.. because its a GOOD rod to carry about.
Hot on the heels of the Charlie Puth remix competition, comes one from Tiesto & Ava Max. Fair to say, pretty well known names, so yes, they get a “plug of the week” too. Hope to see more competitions like this involving artists of such prominence.
here`s the rub:
“Dance music icon Tiësto presents an exclusive opportunity to remix his latest global hit “The Motto” with Ava Max. Impress the electronic music innovator and our judges with a fresh take on this hit, and you could be in with a chance of winning part of a $14,000 prize pool, as well as be considered for a release on his prestigious Tiësto record label.”
Got to be quick on this one as well tho guys as the deadline is.. you guessed it, 1st of April again.
more info (and a click thru with your email addy will get you the stems) here
Tiësto & Ava Max – The Motto (9 Stems)(48k-24bit) Mega here Nitro here
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
You Might Also Like:
Charlie Puth – Light Switch Remix Competition (32 Stems)(48k-24bit)
Charlie Puth – Light Switch (32 Stems)(48k-24bit)
The plugs of the week keep on comin this month.. well, I did say I`d plug/promote any remix comp from bigger named / more well known artists I guess..
just wasnt expecting any
and I quote:
“Atlantic Records are excited to present the Light Switch remix contest!
Light Switch is Charlie Puth’s latest single, following in the footsteps of his smash hits ‘See You Again’, ‘How Long?’, ‘Attention’, and many more.”
More info (and a follow on Spotify will get you the stems) here
Charlie Puth – Light Switch (32 Stems)(48k-24bit) Nitro here
(All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm PT 1st April 2022)
Added to the ALL A-Z page here
Kim Kaey – Chance To Dance (Remix Competition)
Just had a little scout `round the net and came across what seems a nice find.. And it`s a current remix competition. And a hella funky tune. I like it anyway lol.. deffo a bit of me in there as they say.
So nice one Spinnin` Records.. sounds like a winner already.
Oh and you`ve got till the 29th of this month if you want to enter the comp.
Kim Kaey – Chance To Dance (26 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Grab the stems via Mega here or Nitro here or via the official site here
Krunk! & Restricted ft. Kelly Matejcic – With You feat. Kelly Matejcic (Remix Competition)
Well, I said I`d keep an eye on the remix competition “scene” a little more.. quite glad I did now. Spinnin` Records do seem to be ruling the roost atm, on the comps side of things, and here`s another one of their best offerings.
Even had a little dabble on this too, mainly because I wanted the hear the vocal and piano, up a semitone if the truth be told.. and long story short, I`ve ended up with an arrangment (of sorts), basically, with every element of the original I liked.. so everything but drum and a bassline, 128 Bpm.
And pitched up 1 semitone ! Is that even allowed in remix competitions?
The competition stems are also of good quality, which is nice to see. There`s 4 separated packs of Vox/Fx/Synths/Drums which as a “stems pack” is also nice to see.. more of that please too. In fact the pack is very nearly approaching multitrack status, but no kick drum and everything being “wet” stops that. All the same, great stem set.
Check out the sample pack here or, if you want it direct from source, go have a look on the Spinnin Records competition page for the comp stems here.
Here`s the work in progress pitch shifted stripped down version:
For funsies, here`s my stems as used in the mix above. Both the stem packs for this song have been added on the Samples page (Mega) here. Not going to really have the time (or the inclination currently) to do the bassline and drums for this remix, which it needs, so throwing it over to you guys to finish should anybody want to.. deadline for entries is 15th Sept.
Good track/song tho. Hope it does well.
Nitti Gritti – All In [EP] (5 Remix Competition Packs)
Little bit late with this one.. because the closing date for this remix competition is fast approaching.. (the end of the month), so thought it best to put a quick post on the blog. Jump direct to the official remix competition page here.
Hosted by Spinnin Records and by an artist I wasn`t aware of and who I think it may be worth keeping an eye on..! so do check this out if a little EDM is your thing. The contest itself is one where you can choose which track to mix, from a selection of 5..and to save even more time, they are here all zipped up and ready to go:
Song list:
1, Nitti Gritti – All In (6 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
2, Nitti Gritti – Another Way (4 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
3, Nitti Gritti – Breathe Out (4 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
4, Nitti Gritti – Dead In The Water (5 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
5, Nitti Gritti – Empty (4 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
My favourite by a mile and ripe for some remixing has to be Another Way (Featuring Mario) Which may or may not be the very same Mario who sang “Let Me Love You”. Just in case you want to check, here`s the video:
They dont make em like that no more
I`m also going to keep a closer eye on future remix competitions because there does seem to be quite a few more decent ones coming to the fore recently.
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega) here
Further reading: “Why Remix Competitions Are A Waste Of Time” here
T-Pain ft. Chris Brown – Wake Up Dead (Multitrack)(21 Track)(44.1k-32bit)
This pack is from a fairly new to the `net remix competition, which you might have to jump thru a few hoops n loops to get, if you go direct to the source here, but all the same, good to see another more well known artist or two putting their songs out there as stem sets for everyone to have a go at remixing.. just wish there were more of these tbh.. I mean, c`mon you`ll get a free write up and a link out if you do Just dont make it a complete P.I.T.A to get the stems which sometimes is the way with these things, and you`ll get some great publicity, I`m sure
There`s about a month left to get any remixes in for this btw.
T-Pain ft. Chris Brown – Wake Up Dead (Multitrack)(21 Track)(44.1k-32bit) DOWNLOAD
Password to unlock Rar files:
Added to the ALL A-Z page (Mega link) here
Disciples – The Biggest Remix Competition Of All Time
OK, I`ll bite !
With a title like that, did you really thing I`d pass this up? hehe
Looks like Disciples is running a rather large remix competition.. there`s 18 different tracks to remix so take your pick. I`ve put them all in one zip for ease of use because they were a bit of a pain to grab from the OG source btw, follow with Soundcloud ect.. but worth doing if you want to do things that way. Deadline is for entries August 1st. More info on Disciples Facebook Page here
song list:
12th Planet – RVD [150 Bpm]
Bandlez – Straya [150 Bpm]
Barely Alive – Wompum [150Bpm]
Chibs – Crust And Jelly [145 Bpm]
Dirtyphonics – No Mercy [150Bpm]
Dodge & Fuski – Bringing wobble back Ft Splitbreed [140Bpm]
Eliminate – You’re Gonna Love Me (Ft. Leah Culver) (115 Bpm)
Fox Stevenson – Miss You [150Bpm]
Infekt – Score [150 Bpm]
Modestep – The Fallout [150Bpm]
MVRDA – Ball Licker [145Bpm]
Myro – Playa [140Bpm]
Oliverse – Parachute [150Bpm]
PhaseOne – Crash & Burn [150Bpm]
Samplifire – Duality [150Bpm]
Terravita – Aim To Kill [150Bpm]
Virtual Riot – Pray For Riddim [150Bpm]
Virus Syndicate & Virtual Riot & Dion Timmer_Gang Shit [150 Bpm]
Disciples – The Biggest Remix Competition Of All Time DOWNLOAD (Nitro)
Charli XCX – How I’m Feeling Now (Full Album Stems)&(Remix Competition info)
One day, every newly released album will come in this format or something very similar. One day.
I`m gonna call it. 7 Years. Give or take a few.
Anyways, before I go off on a tangent, the news is quarantining Charli XCX has decided to release all her latest tracks from her album, as stems, to her fans, to remix. In a nutshell. The album has only recently been recorded (during Lockdown) and released the 22nd May 20 (yesterday), so this is a hot ticket to a little bit of internet fame (and maybe more) if you get yourself remixing a bit of Charli in the coming days. From what I`ve seen, there will be a release of the best somehow, and probably chances at further collabs for the best of the best presumably. Reading between the lines a little.
If this is for you then here`s the Google Drive folder of the stems
Song List:
Charli XCX – 7 Years (16 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Anthem (13 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – C2.0 (12 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Claws (13 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Detonate (12 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Enemy (15 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Forever (13 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – I Finally Understand (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Party 4 U (14 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Pink Diamonds (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Visions (11 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
password to unlock Nitro links:
Also while were here, go buy/stream this album if you like the stems, and remember to support the artists and producers who release multis into the wild. Not a bad idea uh?.
[NOTE] If any of the links on this page expire, the back up links can be found here
Charli XCX – Multitrack Masterpost
Charli XCX – 3AM (Multitrack)(20 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – 5 In The Morning (3 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) AIFF DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – After The Afterparty (feat. Lil Yachty) (Multitrack)(21 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Black Roses (Multitrack)(37 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Blame It On U (Multitrack)(59 Wet Stems)(38 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Boys (Multitrack)(17 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Dreamer (Multitrack)(48 Wet Stems)(31 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Drugs (Multitrack)(64 Wet Stems)(36 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Emotional (Multitrack)(67 Wet Stems)(33 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – FemmeBot (Multitrack)(11 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Focus (Multitrack)(13 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Forever (13 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Grins (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – How Can I (Multitrack)(22 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Lipgloss (Multitrack)(82 Wet Stems)(30 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Paradise (14 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Porsche (Multitrack)(17 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Roll With Me (Multitrack)(16 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – So Far Away (Multitrack)(16 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Unlock It (Multitrack)(16 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Vroom Vroom (11 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – White Roses (Multitrack)(60 Wet Stems)(37 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Marina And The Diamonds – Just Desserts ft. Charli XCX (Incomplete Multitrack)(48 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Added to the Masterposts page here
Donk-E-Kings – Rainbow Road 2020 (The Club Remixer Remix Remix Competition)
Throwing this out there as our first remix competition !
If you want a go at it give me a holler and I`ll send you the stems. As long as you write a new bass and do your own drums ect, I`d be happy to let anyone have a go. Not going to put my drums in the pack, but I`ll put the bassline in so it can be followed.
hit me up:
mailto: clubremixer[at]outlook[dotcom]