Category Archives: Site News
Site News / Newsletter (March 2023)
Hey guys,
Everybody doing well? hope so
Some things to inform you of. If you didnt already know, last couple of months, the site has been basically under attack and hacked. Since the scene lost and, our stems & multi data base has turned out to be (unfortunately) the best around. It seems some people didnt like this fact, and decided to cause grief, for whatever reason(s) they could think of.
Long story very very short from here, is that you may now find even more dead links to files than there were before. It goes without saying, EVERYTHING is in a state of flux while I fix things. At this time, I would really, really appreciate your patience while the fixes are found and everything can go back to what you guys expect from CR.
For now, if you find a dead link to a file you want, just drop a mail in and I`ll do my very best to get it to you as soon as possible.
As for the changes that the hacking will bring going forward, I will try to keep to a minimum, but I`m sure you`ll all agree, there at least has to be some changes. At the mo, nothing really will change for our entry level and mid tier level members. Apart from many of the older files being dead for a while, all the new stuff coming to the pages will not change one bit.
The initial changes all involve our Top Tier members. They already know whats coming as they have been informed, but I just wanted to let everyone know because it will affect anyone who is considering upgrading to TT & Rare & X page.
Rare has no restrictions to entry, X page does. Good news is any “newer” TT members can now also request re-ups from Rare, as long as you have 2 months consecutive membership to TT. X page now requires a minimum of 2, maybe 3 consecutive months membership at TT depending on the season opening date. The “season” will be announced in advance so you know whats what. Dates are now added to our welcome notes/rules n regs. You can now ask for the latest rules n regs notes at any time as they may change somewhat. New members joining the site are also notified about this change.
Rare page is now open again this month, and X page Season 2 is well underway.
X page Season 3 will enroll on the 2nd of May 2023, so here`s your heads up for anyone wanting to join that page come May.
This action has been taken because otherwise, the same hacking protocols could be used again. In other words, I have to find a way to not allow instant access to the rare page and its rare files or they could all go walkabout again. Obvs the temptation was too much for some people, and I must admit, there wasnt supposed to be that many files in rare. Going forward, there will be no more than 30 in there at any one time, and whatever is in there, come Xmas, will be coming to everyone. Then from New Year, we build up again.. as we kinda are doing right now.
If someone is keen enough to wait 3 months to leak stuff, theres not much I can do about that, and after 3 months, tbh, the rarity value does kinda diminish somewhat anyway. So for now, theres a 2-3 month “air gap” enforced. Sorry. The sad thing is I know 100% it wasnt any of your guys` fault and you have to take the shit. Thats the bit that hurts.
Anyway, before rant ensues, the only other option we have if the things go wrong again, is that we would have to take the site private. Which completely messes up the “multitracks for the masses” motto I have tattoo`d on my chest.
A decision has been made regarding that anyway. CR will run as usual, but all TT long term members will be invited to join a new venture. It wont be a website as such, but something more akin to a newsletter with gifts.
So you can see we are going to be probably trying a few things out going forward to somehow please everyone and keep as much as poss as secure as poss.
Initially, from here, I think I am going to have to take on some staff. Paid work of course.. haha.. unless theres any volunteers who may prefer the odd rare multi ?
Thought it may be an idea to ask you guys. What I really need right now, is someone who has experience of WordPress and has been a member of the site for a while, and who has most of it downloaded. If that sounds like you and you have a chunck of hours free per week, please drop a mail in.
Before I go, just want to thank everyone (again) for your continued support.. still cant believe we are doing this after 3 years & still got a bit of figuring out still do, as you all now know, but rest assured, no-one is gonna keep CR down for long, even if there`s more crap to come.
I`ve got a plan
Cheers guys.. have a good month everyone. Inbox now open for reup requests for all tiers, dont forget, but please bear with.
Site News – Newsletter
Hey Everyone.. hope all is well with one and all.
Not had a newsletter for a while and thought the time was right to pop one out, as Ive got a bit of an idea !
Firstly though, I`d like to send out big hugs and much thanks to everyone supporting the site.. as you may or may not know, it couldn`t be done without you all.. so cheers guys.. youre making CR what it is.
Also big shout to all the new members weve gotten over the last few months. Managed to touch base with a fair few of you already and looks like we have a solid new bunch of troops ! To the regulars and long timers.. guys.. so much thanks is needed I cant even put that into words. All the folk sending bits in.. big booyahs to you too.
Soooo, on to the new idea. Recently, certain packs I wouldve picked up without a second thought have not come down to a price point where I can go.. yup.. grabbing that.. what the hell. These type of packs are slowly but surely adding up. I can either blow the budget on a few super rares or get a more decent amount of some middle of the road packs, if you like. Generally, I like to grab a decent beefy pack or two per month, and several M.O.T.R. packs.
Thing is its getting to the stage where it could be easy to pick up a pack for a hefty sum, but it could easily be the wrong pack. Wrong as in you might actually personally prefer something else. The old skool CR guys are generally in the concensus that whatever gets put on the site is great regardless (weve had this discussion before lol).. but right now, at this moment in time, I kinda want to get any “major” prospective purchases bang on the nose. Which means some kind of voting system.. similar to what we had in the early days of CR.
Again, this may only be a trial thing for a month or two, but at least it will give me an idea if the concept will work going forward.. and at worst, I`ll have a bit of data to go on for a while.
Shortly, you will see some posts (regarding multis) on the main page, that the site does not have yet. Obvs these posts will be a bit different to the usual.. ie: no Mega or Nitro links.
If one of these posts interests you, you can vote it up, basically. Any tier, anybody can vote. If something is a bit “Meh” and not to your tastes, hopefully, there should be something you like round the corner to vote upon soon enough. And you can score it too. 5 down to 1. Score it a 5 (must have), down to 1 (I`ll take a listen when it comes along).
All results will be tallied up and that will decide which pack is to be gotten. If theres not enough votes for a song (some kind of threshold Im pretty sure will appear) then we can give that a miss for a while maybe until there is a certain amount.
If you want to vote for a pack simply send an email to the NEW email addy clubremixer[at]gmail[dotcom] with your vote for it. In the header of the mail just put [VOTE]-(name and title of song). And thats it ! If you want to add a little of why you like the song in the mail thats cool too. Plz dont mail votes to the Outlook addy.
Thats about it really, hope y`all can see the benefits of this going forward, and you knows me.. if it doesnt work out, it`ll get scrubbed.
Once again guys, really appreciate the continued support !
catch up with y`all soon
Some More News
Hi Guys,
Just a quick one. Some thanks to give out !
Thank you thank you thank you for the recent upgrades. To those of you that took the plunge, I know how hard times are rn, and knowing this makes your support super super important to me.. dont worry.. wont let cha down !
Thanks also for the feedback from lots of you in regards to the upping of the entry level for the entire 70`s & 80`s page tier. Surprisingly, by about 2-1 ish, the overall feeback is that locking things up for the page is probably for the best.
Personally, I`m still on the fence because it still is messing with the ethos for the site I had in my head from early on.. which is and always will be, tons of great stuff at a smiley ticket and get more people into multitracks via NOT locking them away too much which was the case about a year ago with the traders.. and as you now know, the smiley ticket thing in general does not pay for the rare and even rarer stuff. Doesn`t take a genius to work out its the “even rarer” stuff that is causing the issues now lol. FYI, the “even rarer” stuff cost 2x/3x (& upwards) more than the earlier files we bought.
Obvs the site has grown since I first thought that the smiley ticket was the way to go, but there is also the fact to consider now that as we have grown, and the rare/not on the internet files are now coming along quickly.. there is still some work in progress stuff going on to keep everone happy as much as possible, while at the same time I`m trying to find ways to tighten things up a little, in regards to the security of stuff and leaking ect. Hopefully you too see the dilema.
Hope that made sense..
Good news is though, this little burst of fundraising has gone really well so far and we are just about there to financially cover what I have my beady eyes on for next months group purchase. I`ve even had offers of extra donations to keep things running smooth, which was nice and unexpected.. so thanks for that guys, and for letting me know how full on some of you guys are behind me.. Really great to know I`ve got some proper deep support.
To keep this short, the upshot of all this is that I have now repurposed the 5.1 page and added that content to the Samples page (which has a few new updates on too), and created a new page called “rare” into which I have moved all the more recent rare stuff from the 70`s & 80`s page. There will be notifications on the 70`s & 80`s page of the stuff that is similar, but hosted on the “Rare” page. The 70`s & 80`s page itself has gone back down to mid tier and obvs the new rare page has had to be made at top tier.. so you guys at least have a choice now, which was the main flaw in the slightly rushed out fundraising idea. tbh, I was a bit worried about finances which some of you picked up on and behind the scenes its not a secret I actually spent more than the site brought in on multis last month.. and its not cos were struggling on member numbers, theyre steady and exactly the same.. but there`s soooo much more I want to get on the site. (small sigh). Think I need to teach myself some patience !
So I`m going to leave the decision to upgrade in your hands now if you havent already.. just bear in mind this is the equation we have to work round: Plenty of folk joining the top tier = more files for the site. Keeping everybody happy (lowering the threshold on the 70`s & 80`s page for mid tier members & off site folk) basically means less new files. All I aim to do now, somehow, is find that happy medium.. we`ll see how it goes. It is a difficult situation all round.. You want to (understandably) spend as little as poss for as much as poss (as would I) VS me wanting to buy as much stuff as possible, in bulk cos its cheaper, as quick as I can while it is actually available . It is a lot of decisions & responsibility for a crazy old DJ, so do bear with him
Have a great weekend guys
all the best
The News
Hey guys,
Another long one I`m afraid..
Good news, bad news time so lets get it over and done with. I`ve had to make a desicion I didnt want to, so I`m going to try things for a month to see how it goes. I`m going to raise the entry level for newbies to enter the 70`s & 80`s page.. which I am having to do due to a little fund raising effort needed to procure some multitracks that are a little bit rarer than our usual fare, and therefore more expensive.
The bad news is this means anyone reading this who hasn`t already downloaded everything from that page will have to upgrade to the top tier to use that page further. This will be at least for one month, so bear with while I try this out..
On the upside, a whole new world of multitracks seem to be working their way around I`m glad to report, but downside, as mentioned above.. expensivo. So we`ll see how that goes. I`ll admit its a bit of a rushed fund raiser idea, but the one easiest to implement.. as long as it works !
So hopefully all the regular members wont feel the pain of this too much, sorry newbies, it`s you who get the brunt again ! If it really bothers many people that much that I`m raising the bar on the 70`s n 80`s page or even if you think it`s a good idea, feel free to have your say. I`ll go with the majority. Even the vocal minority !! This may be a P.I.T.A for a few for a while but the idea is that it benefits everybody in the long run.
It`s that fine line between tons of music for all at a smiley ticket, or being a bit sensible and getting a little stricter with myself with the big picture in mind, if you know what I mean. Any help/input on that accepted. Bit torn. For context, the idea is two/three fold.. 1, Raising the tier will automatically put the security of all the older files and new, up a little notch, 2, It will help raise funds for new stuff, 3, I can then put older AND more exclusive files on the 70`s and 80`s page, which can then be replaced by brand new files. Ad Infinitum. In theory, everybody wins. And this way I can put more files on the page without you guys having to mail in for the links ! If it all stays secure..
That`s kinda the plan. If all works out and nothing leaks (downside of plan tbh) I`ll carry on putting the more rare and exclusive stuff for everyone on the 70`s & 80`s page, but guys, for me to do this, each and everyone of you to a man/woman, has to meet me halfway, and not leak the goods. At all. You already know I`ll change things if it goes south, so it`s in your best interest dear mates, to do your bit. Please.
Going to try this out with a handful of files which have already been added to the 70`s n 80`s page, so those of you asking for these packs, here you are.. a quick upgrade for the month and they`re yours.
packs added:
Ariana Grande – Be Alright (Multitrack)(57 Mono & Stereo Tracks)(48k-16bit)
Edwin Starr – War (Multitrack V2)(Complete)(16 Mono Stems)(44.1k-24bit)
Pet Shop Boys – Heart (Multitrack)(30 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Pet Shop Boys – Heart (Kick Drum Track)(Cover)(48k-32bit)
Pussycat Dolls – When I Grow Up (7 Stems)(44.1k-16bit)
Sylvester – Over And Over (Re-Record)(Multitrack)(22 Mono Tracks)(Missing Drums)(44.1k-16bit)
Herbie Hancock – Rock It (Multitrack)(13 Tracks)
and I`m finally letting go of this little trouble causer ! Ms P!nk.. and I promise you, the full multi sounds amazing.. one of the best. (btw, All teachers & the .edu guys amongst the group, this pack would be ideal for lessons):
P!nk – U & Your Hand (Multitrack)(26 Track)(44.1k-24bit)
So there`s plenty there I think.
The good news is as this is just a quick monthly fundraiser, if you upgrade for the above this month, you can always knock the sub back down to mid tier right away for next month.. or stay Top Tier. Either way, nothing will be held against anybody, for switching up and/or down..I know how things are..
In other news the current influx of new traders and little old me doing cheeky deals with the sites files and moolah here and there has been erm, interesting, and sometimes quite fun tbh, but boy, its a timesink.. if there`s quiet periods on the site, well, now you know why. Wheelin and dealin takes time.. lots of it.. hence, why I dont do it, but there`s some really nice guys around right now with good heads on their shoulders, so I`m rolling with it.. just thought I`d let ya`ll know
This month hopefully more of the same site wide (keep checking the pages at the top of the site) and maybe I`ll actually get stuck into the acapellas I said I`d do last month ! Got a bit side tracked doing the multis on the ALL A-Z page.. go see if you havent already.. I`ll give you all a few days then all the new stuff is getting filed away, nice and tidy ! haha.. and that includes the rest of the pages that have had stuff added. From now on, first few days of the month, will be tidy days. Note to self. So do make sure to grab the new stuff soon from the pages while its easy to find.
Please keep expressing interest on future releases/buys via main page posts as well when they appear.. happy to say you guys generally get what is going on, but I think we`re confusing a few on the outside ! ah well.. what can ya do? Might have made a bit of a slip up one one particular pack, but still learning a new tack, so something to learn from, but hopefully remedied one day.. apologies for being cryptic.
Other than that, It`s all go.. top tier guys, you can now request your package for the month after visiting the Protools page..
One last thing, over the last week or so I`ve been in talks with someone who has offered help with taking the site offline, and doing things completely 100% behind closed doors. In a nutshell, it could be done almost immediately if I give the shout to flick the switch. Things would be exactly the same, we would just not be visible on the web and via search engines ect.. thought you guys should know we`re future-proofed if things get heavy at any point
Thanks once again to each and all for the support, been some great votes of confidence and thanks coming in via the mails recently, so a special thanks to all those this month being nice to me with the support and stuff.. been good to read some genuine heartfelt comments.. I do appreciate..
Stay well mates
Site News
Hey Gang,
These months just keep coming round soooo quick ! Once again guys, mega thanks for your continued support, and here`s another chance to send a warm welcome to the newbies too
It might not look it, but I managed to quite a lot done last month and somehow found time to roll out a quick Mash Up. All on the list (I still use lists – on paper) got nailed and I started early on this months work. If you haven`t already noticed, there`s a new page called “Accs”.. And as I hope you`ll guess thats where the Acapellas and Studio Acapellas are going to live from now on. I`m 50/50 on adding the vocal stems to the page when they get their time to shine too. The Vocal Stems page update is pencilled in for next month, but we`ll see how we go on that.
Speaking of being 50/50 on something, I`m also 50/50 on starting up a new page for Cover Version Stems and Multitracks/Fan Made multis ect.. I know from previous experience, shall we say, that sometimes these things can be really valuable to bands and singers, (I have 100`s btw) and then there`s the fact to consider that sometimes a cover multitrack, that is, a song that is not in any “official” stem form.. is better than a big fat zero. (so the theory goes, something is better than nothing).
So I`m open to input from you guys on this.. have your say and let me know if this would interest you.
Also the instrumentals page has had a little update, and will be running in a very similar fashion to the Accs page, with compilation packs and the like, so do check out that page again, and the new Acapellas page if they interest you any.
Other than that, for the coming month, it will be more of the same and the usual stuff going on, on the pages. I managed to sort out all the files that havent been posted yet, into one main folder on the PC now, so that will be getting sorted asap. Bit of a mixed bag tbh, and that lot alone could keep me busy all month, but the focus is going to be primarily on the acapellas page. Was hoping to do a pack a day or something and I`m pleased to report, we`re already half way there !! Go see
Thats about it really, same old same old lol.. feel free to drop by and say a quick hello via email if you want to.. one or two newbies I`ve yet to chew the fat with and put the world to rights with as yet
One last thing, my top tier guys, your files have arrived.. please check the ProTools page at your earliest convenience.
Take it easy Y`all and stay safe