Category Archives: Soundcloud
Sister Sledge ft. Snoop Dogg & Emcee T.G.D – The Greatest Dancer 2022 (ClubRemixer`s House in the Metaverse Mix) (Radio Version)
New Mix Alert !
Been on with this one for a short while, in comparison to some projects, and its now at a stage where Im semi comfortable letting you guys have a listen thru to see what you think. Only a Radio Mix type of version for now..there will be an extended at some point and I`m hoping to maybe add a few more instuments in there and maybe an extra verse too to top up.. but, the meat and 2 veg is there and pretty much staying as is.
Not gonna lie, Ive had a bit of a bee in my bonnet since we all heard what was done with the Pnau & Elton John & Dua Lipa track we featured on the site a bit back, which in essence is a Multitrack Mash-Up with new drums and new synthy parts all mashed up into the mix for good measure too. And you might have noticed it did rather well in the charts and was very well received creatively by the likes of Rolling Stone ect.
I recall saying in that/this post that “we have to up our game” in response to a track like that (lol) and I count myself included in that judgement.. so much so, I decided from that date on, to be on the look-out for a few packs that I could use to go somehwere near what those guys did.
The mix itself here I`ll admit, turned out quite a lot cheesier than I originally wanted, but in retrospect, it probably was going to end up like that due to the source material and the inspiration behind it. It did start out as a nice and filthy house bassliney thing, and the early versions certainly raised an eyebrow with one of my buddies so I knew I was on the right lines.. but, it progressively got cheesier. As you will hear. Especially when you start adding extra pianos and familiar vocals.. but anyway, it is what it is.
In the mix there`s basically parts of several Multitracks mixed together, and new drums and some new musical parts.. so its not strictly a mash-up any longer.. but a mash up of lots of “elements” all together. The initial goal was to make a track that actually was a mash-up.. but didnt sound like one.. which was kinda the major “take” that I got for the Elton & Dua tune, and tbh, without blowing the trumpet too much, is something I`ve been trying to do for ages anyway. And Cold Heart was probably the kick up the ass I needed there too lol.
So here it is.. “The Greatest Dancer”. yep, its that one. The Sister Slegde track we all know and love. Which, you may or may not know, had a version done about 10 years by TGD featuring one of my fave arteests, the one and only Snoop Dogg. Now, ten years ago, Snoop sampled the track for his version, and I`m guessing here.. he might not have had the Sister Sledge multitrack which only appeared in the wild a few years ago. As you all know, The Greatest Dancer multi is now out and very much in the wild, and that gives the opportunity to dig in to all the separated vocals and instruments now, which very probably would have come in handy 10 years ago.. if you get my drift.
I guess in my head I tried to create what could have been created 10 years ago if the tools had been there, but together with this decades “dance mix sylee”, but still trying to keep it “Old School” and sounding like it was made using an Atari 1080, An Akai S1000 sampler (with infinate memory) & a 909.. If you like. That was my own “mental brief” you could say. The rest of the brief was to make a track that one of my DJ buddies could play in his bar on a weekend, around Xmas time, that no-one would bat an eyelid at, especially after a couple of beers or 3. Well, it is that time of year after all.
Can confirm that theory worked in practice
Going to leave it there as I can feel waffle mode coming on, and that is always IMO a good time to quit writing !
Hope you guys enjoy it.. Added the mix to the Samples page here so you can have a listen on your own system of preference, and maybe pass it on to your local pub/club DJ to break out this holiday season should you so wish, or if youre a DJ yourself, you can have a little exclusive to play.. that is now tried and tested !
BTW, sent it to Snoop. Hope he likes it.
Had a little dabble “in the studio” while the site, the internet and related software, do whatever it is they do to get the better of us mere humans, and I came up with this. Not entirely sure if its of much use to everybody lol, but was fun to make all the same. See what you think
Added to the Soundcloud page for now but probs will remove it after a short while, but you can have a listen in the player below right now. If you think this little acapella loop will help in your DJ sets, you can grab the MP3 320 here.
Turned out a pretty powerful loop in reality I guess, so needs something with a bit of “balls” if you like to go with it, but the key is nice and fits with many things so should come in handy for the DJ`s amongst us. One day.
Also, if the Multitrack for Sly And The Family Stone`s “Dance To The Music” interests you any, please get in touch with the site via here.
WAV Version of this DJ Tool has been added to the Samples page (Mega) here
Dua Lipa – Break My Heart (Studio Acapella)(44.1k-24bit)
Fresh Leak !
Not said that in a while..
Maybe if the mood takes me this weekend, I might have a look at doing a part 2 to the Queen & Dua Lipa Mash Up I did a while back.. There`s no reason why the new Dua Lipa acapella wont fit on top of Queens Another One Bites The Dust Instrumental at all, so may try it Never really done a pair of mash ups before if you know what I mean.
If you beat me to it, do send me a listen !
Added to the Accs page (Mega) here
and aren`t you glad I totally didnt plug my old Queen mash up too?
oh wait..
found it !
here it is:
While I`m here, there`s the Kesha/Clean Bandit Mash Up to plug too..
Queen Multitrack Masterpost
Queen Multitrack Masterpost
Current collection of Queen Stems and Multitracks:
Queen – A Kind Of Magic (5 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here Nitro here
Queen – Rock Tour Stems (Lossy) (20 songs / 4 track stems) Mega here Nitro here
Queen – Big Hits Multitrack Pack (2022)
Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Queen – Fat Bottomed Girls (Multitrack)(23 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Queen – Killer Queen (Multitrack)(48 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit)
Queen – The Show Must Go On (RB ReRip)(12 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit)
Queen – Under Pressure (Multitrack)(23 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit)
Queen – We Are the Champions (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit)
Queen – Big Hits Multitrack Pack (2022) (All in one zip) Nitro here
Queen – Bicycle Race (RB ReRip)(12 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – Brighton Rock (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now (Official Competition Pack)(9 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – Fat Bottomed Girls (Multitrack)(23 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – Get Down Make Love (Multitrack)(22 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – Killer Queen (Multitrack)(48 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – Seven Seas of Rhye (Multitrack)(11 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – Stone Cold Crazy (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(44.1k-24bit) AIFF DOWNLOAD
Queen – The Show Must Go On (RB ReRip)(12 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – Under Pressure (Multitrack)(23 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – We Are the Champions (Multitrack)(24 Mono Tracks)(48k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Queen – You’re My Best Friend (Multitrack)(10 Mono Tracks)(48k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Game Rips:
1, Queen – Bicycle Race
2, Queen – Crazy Little Thing Called Love (RockBand)
3, Queen – Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to…) [RockBand]
4, Queen – Fat Bottomed Girls (RockBand)
5, Queen – Greatest Instrumentals
6, Queen – Hammer to Fall (RockBand)
7, Queen – I Want It All (RB3 version) [RockBand]
8, Queen – I Want It All (RockBand)
9, Queen – I Want To Break Free (RB3 version) [RockBand]
10, Queen – I Want to Break Free (RockBand)
11, Queen – I’m in Love With My Car
12, Queen – Keep Yourself Alive (RockBand)
13, Queen – Killer Queen (RB3 version) [RockBand]
14, Queen – Long Away
15, Queen – Now I’m There (RockBand)
16, Queen – One Vision (RockBand)
17, Queen – Play the Game (RockBand)
18, Queen – Radio Ga Ga (RockBand)
19, Queen – Somebody To Love (RB3 version) [RockBand]
20, Queen – Stone Cold Crazy
21, Queen – Tenement Funster (RockBand)
22, Queen – The Show Must Go On
23, Queen – Tie Your Mother Down (RockBand)
24, Queen – Under Pressure (RB3 Version) [RockBand]
25, Queen – Under Pressure (RockBand)
26, Queen – We Are The Champions (RockBand)
27, Queen – We Will Rock You (RB3 version) [RockBand]
28, Queen – We Will Rock You (RockBand)
29, Queen + Paul Rodgers – C-Lebrity
Added to the main Queen Masterpost (Mega) here
Queen – Greatest Instrumentals [WAV] Mega here Nitro here
You May Also Like:
Charli XCX – Queen Lizzy (11 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) Mega here
Cheat Codes – Queen Elizabeth (10 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) Mega here
Quick Plug:
Dua Lipa vs Queen – Break My Heart and Bite The Dust (Mash Up Pack & Full Mix) DOWNLOAD HERE
Dua Lipa – Future Nostalgia (Album Instrumentals)(WAV)(44.1k-16bit)
Had this sent in a while ago and I sort of forgot all about it till recently. There was an MP3 version of this on the site somewhere at some point, but thought it now would be good to have a freshly labelled repost of it.. though it might not last long so grab asap guys. Wont be re-upping on Nitro btw.
Got to admit, I`ve become quite a fan of the album, now I`ve had a proper listen. There`s some great influences in there from all over the place. I swear I spotted some Ultravox.. And the odd borrowed riff/entire song. And I kinda like that way of recording myself. Sometimes.OK most of the time. So call me a Dua Lipa fan now. Dammit. I`m supposed to be too old for all this new music !
Some of it does have a good “beat” though
Dua Lipa – Future Nostalgia (Album Instrumentals)(WAV)(44.1k-16bit)(Nitro) DOWNLOAD
password to unlock zip:
Available via Mega links here
While I`m here a couple more things. The Dua Lipa Masterpost has now been added to the Masterposts page. The FN Insts are in there also and all is on the ends of Mega links.
The reason I dug the FN insts out was to initally check if I had a better quality instrumental of “Break My Heart”, another Dua Lipa track not short on sampling and riff borrowing by a long shot. And long story short, I ended up making a little Mash Up out of it together with the vocals from Queen`s “Another One Bites The Dust”.
You can have a listen here AND download all the bits too if you wish.
Download the pack of stems from the Mash Up here (Nitro). or Mega here
Dua Lipa vs Queen – Break My Heart and Bite The Dust (Club Remixer Mash Up)
Dua Lipa vs Queen – Break My Heart and Bite The Dust (Club Remixer Mash Up) (Inst)
Dua Lipa vs Queen – Break My Heart and Bite The Dust (Club Remixer Mash Up) (Wet Vox)
Dua Lipa vs Queen – Break My Heart and Bite The Dust (Club Remixer Mash Up) (Dry Vox)
All 113 Bpm
or just grab the new and constant 113 BPM acapella via Mega here.. (no password)
Enjoy !
Charli XCX – Multitrack Masterpost
Charli XCX – 3AM (Multitrack)(20 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – 5 In The Morning (3 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) AIFF DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – After The Afterparty (feat. Lil Yachty) (Multitrack)(21 Stems)(44.1k-24bit)DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Black Roses (Multitrack)(37 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Blame It On U (Multitrack)(59 Wet Stems)(38 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Boys (Multitrack)(17 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Dreamer (Multitrack)(48 Wet Stems)(31 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Drugs (Multitrack)(64 Wet Stems)(36 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Emotional (Multitrack)(67 Wet Stems)(33 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – FemmeBot (Multitrack)(11 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Focus (Multitrack)(13 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Forever (13 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Grins (9 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – How Can I (Multitrack)(22 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Lipgloss (Multitrack)(82 Wet Stems)(30 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Paradise (14 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Porsche (Multitrack)(17 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Roll With Me (Multitrack)(16 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – So Far Away (Multitrack)(16 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Unlock It (Multitrack)(16 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – Vroom Vroom (11 Stems)(44.1k-16bit) DOWNLOAD
Charli XCX – White Roses (Multitrack)(60 Wet Stems)(37 Dry Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Marina And The Diamonds – Just Desserts ft. Charli XCX (Incomplete Multitrack)(48 Stems)(44.1k-24bit) DOWNLOAD
Added to the Masterposts page here
Donk-E-Kings – Rainbow Road 2020 (The Club Remixer Remix Remix Competition)
Throwing this out there as our first remix competition !
If you want a go at it give me a holler and I`ll send you the stems. As long as you write a new bass and do your own drums ect, I`d be happy to let anyone have a go. Not going to put my drums in the pack, but I`ll put the bassline in so it can be followed.
hit me up:
mailto: clubremixer[at]outlook[dotcom]
Right Now Mash Up Pack
I suppose in these days it`s still OK to have a little fun?? Hope so.
Couldn`t resist putting this pack together for any would be Mash Up makers that like “excessive titling” in the title of their creations.. count me in there..
Included in this pack is also all the component parts and the mixdown of the Mash Up you can see in the Soundcloud player above. It`s only a “sketchbook” mix as I call em, as in a sketch compared to a finished drawing. If that makes sense. Made I think in about 2017 with the DIY acapella.
I dont know if I`ll ever get the time (or the inclination) to finish this booty off now, though I hope so, but either way, I`m throwing it out into the wild for anyone to have a go at. If you want to of course. No pressure !
In other words , Make it better than my demo, save me a job, and I`ll put it on the Soundcloud page
Anyway, If anybody does make a mix or a mash up with my stems or any the other audio here, (and feel free to add your own bits to the mix too) do send it in. Would love to hear
Track list:
1, Rihanna – Right Now (Acapella) 24bit
2, Rihanna – Right Now (Instrumental) 24bit
3, Rihanna – Right Now (Multitrack) (19 Track)*
4, Beastie Boys – Right Right Now Now (Acapella)
5, Emeli Sande – Right Now (Instrumental)
6, Falling In Reverse – Right Now (Instrumental)
7, Fatboy Slim – Right Here Right Now (Instrumental)
8, Fort Minor – Right Now (Instrumental)
9, Free – All Right Now (Oggs)
10, HYO & 3LAU – Punk Right Now (Instrumental)
11, Jesus Jones – Right Here, Right Now {RB4} flac
12, QooZ – Right Now (Remix Stems)
Mash Up Stems:
1, Krewella – Live For The Night (Instrumental) 128
2, 130 TO 128 BPM TS Rihanna – Right Now (Acapella) 24bit
3, Live For The Night (Right Now) final
4, Live For The Night (Right Now) inst
5, Live For The Night (Right Now) acapella
Right Now Mash Up Pack DOWNLOAD
Right Now Mash Up Pack 2* (with the “Right Now 19 Track Multitrack” included) DOWNLOAD
Password to unlock RAR file:
The Club Remixer Soundcloud
Thought it was maybe about time to hook up the Club Remixer Soundcloud page to the site.
Now you can have a little music in the background while you browse.
Only thing on there for now is òne of my “DJ mixes” which is only an hour long and should be plenty I suppose while you look around.
That`s the idea anyway.
Hope you enjoy