Welcome along to the Contact page. Our email addy is at the bottom of this page, as there`s now some general site notes on here, which are probably worth a read thru, and may save you the hassle of mailing in..

[Added file unlock notes to the contact page because it is generally the number one email request].

[Note] To start, a little CR background. All files listed on the site were originally found via the internet, and therefore, being in the “public domain” at the time, it was decided that it was a good idea to download them, and make back ups, which we post/posted to so these files are not “lost to time”.

These files unlock with the password:

To download the files, especially if you are in the UK, you may need to use a VPN to access them, on our now host of choice, Nitroflare. If you are anywhere else in the world, we are now advising to use a VPN anyways, because it makes the whole Nitro experience much smoother.

For downloading, browsers to try (if you get any issues with your regular browser) are Firefox & Safari. Microsoft Edge is ok these days too. Chrome can be a bit fussy with larger file sizes in general, as can Firefox, but Edge seems to be ok with them.

As for the files themselves, after dowloading, if you have any unzipping problems, try “Winrar” for PC, “7 Zip”, for older Mac`s & “Commander” for newer. Also, try typing the password in, instead of C&P if you encounter issues.

For any and all enquiries please contact: clubremixer[at]outlook[dotcom]

[Note] As from 1st Jan 2025, re-up requests are only for folk with CR memberships. Sorry about that.

For more info on joining the community as a member, please visit the Start page here

Thanks & & we hope you enjoy the site 🙂