Ne-Yo – Closer [System Remix Instrumental] (49 Parts)(44.1k-16bit) & 320k Acapella & Inst

Unfortunately, not the radio version of the song everyone knows, just the instumental of another version from the CD single.. so real parts, but not the one. Just so you know. Saying that, with the “real” instrumental and acapella in the pack too, there`s easily enough to get a mix going.

Admittedly a bit of a Frankenstien pack from way back in 2009, when, believe it or not, this pack was all the rage.

If anybody does have the official “Closer” stems pack, do get in touch btw..

Ne-Yo – Closer [System Remix Instrumental] (49 Parts)(44.1k-16bit) & 320k Acapella & Inst here Nitro here

Added to the ALL A-Z page here