NEWS: & Sol Levante [Anime] – Full ProTools Session (Video & Audio)
Some interesting news has been brought to my attention, so as is the case on things like this, time for a little write up. Now if your an avid Cubase fan like myself, ProTools and everything that comes with it, can be the nemesis of all nemesises to the regular “easy sequencer” guys like me. If that is you too, dont be scared either, just read on! In other news, some cool things are also afoot, that might just influence my dream of “Streaming Multitracks” that some of you have picked up on too. Might have to revise the Spotify stem player idea a little !
One other thing I did find interesting researching the news, is that it seems there is a streaming company I wasnt aware of ( who can stream FLAC`s at 96kHz 24bit (Lossless audio streaming to you and me) via A “Master Quality Authenticated” MQA audio codec. Dont know what it is or what it does but I still want one.. And they`re already involved with the likes of Sony, Universal & Warner. Hmmm.
So HQ Streaming: check. At least it`s possible. All that`s needed now is the bandwidth and the software to sync up a Multitrack or Stem Pack by least 10x whats happening now, and voila.
Then to join all that funkiness together with the one major player I discounted from my initial equazions: Netflix. Uses 15% of the web`s bandwidth, decent download speeds, already knows how to stream big files. But where is “Netflix Music” ? **waits patiently**
Conclusion: Netfilx needs to buy Tidal and stream Multitracks & Stems. Really soon. 🙂
Speaking of Netflix, Here`s a line or two of copy pasta about a new Netflix remaster project:
“Have you ever wanted to try mixing a Dolby Atmos production but don’t have access to any content? If so, Netflix has made an Anime production – Sol Levante – to help the industry better understand 4K HDR and immersive audio in Anime. In addition, they have released the raw materials used in Sol Levante for download and experimentation and you can download the video and ProTools session assets, learn from the professionals and then try mixing it for yourself“.
Okkkkayy.. Back to being scared uh? haha. If you want more info on this, you might be better off Googling for more info, or this will become a long, long news post. ProTools do seem to have a decent article on this so probably a good starting point is there. Or here.Then you might want to Google which version of ProTrolls you are actually going to need to invest in to open this 23GB monster.
Here`s a link to the files if you`re feeling brave here